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I woke up the next morning to see Angeline was still not back in the dorm. Looking at the clock I saw it was nearly four in the morning. Chewing on my lip I knew she shouldn't be out at this time. We didn't have curfews because the adults expected us to be sensible and get the sleep we need.

I slid out if bed and threw on a set of sweats. I had to find her, this was really not healthy. Racing out if our room I was at least awake enough to remember to grab my key. I sprinted across campus and made a mental note to kill Angeline for making me run this much.

Finally reaching the gym I could see Angeline through the glass. She was punching away at a bag as it swung from the force she was putting into her hits. Carefully I opened the door bracing myself for the scent of stale sweat and exertion. "Angeline, what in the world are you doing here?" My voice barely sounded winded, maybe her stupid training had helped after all.

"What does it look like? I'm cutting my stress by beating on things. This is my fourth bag, care to join?" she angrily threw more punches.

"Are you insane? It's four in the morning and you have class tomorrow. You're being reckless and are going to get yourself in trouble. Get your ass away from that bag and get back to the dorm right now." I insisted.

"Maybe you should let her be." Harry's voice behind me caused my to jump from fright at the same time it sent shivers down my spine.

I turned to face him and was caught by the sight of him in his pajama pants and no shirt. "I can't just let her be. She has class tomorrow and we both need to be up for it."

"If I've learned anything from living with Niall then it's that sometimes you just need to step back an let people deal with their own problems." he motioned to Angeline, "Right now I believe is one of those times."

I bit my lip but relented. The problem was that by now I was fully awake no matter the time. "Walk with me?" I asked Harry.

He nodded with a smile the motioned for me to follow him. For a while we simply wandered around the campus, not going anywhere in particular. Eventually Harry led me to the fountain in the middle of the quad. By this time it was off, there was no use in wasting water to appeal to an empty quad. We both sat on the ledge and looked up to the sky.

"Can you find any constellations?" he asked.

I laughed, "That's rather cliché, don't you think?"

"What do you mean?"

"Everytime a girl and a guy sit anywhere at night they always stargaze."

He laughed, a booming laugh that echoed in the deserted quad. "I guess you're right." he smiled.

"Of course I am!" I scoffed, "I always am."

His smile dropped as he looked into my eyes, "Except about me. You're dead wrong about who you think I am." His usually teasing demeanor and mischievous glint in his eyes were gone. Instead a solemn sincerity had taken over his tone and expression.

I found myself pulled to him, as if any physical connection would be better than none. Was I really doing this? I hesitated and Harry noticed. With a smile he looked back up at the sky. I shifted my weight back and pulled my knees up to my chest.

I looked off into the distance as I responded to him, "How could I be wrong Harry? I've seen you with so many girls, nearly a different one each day. How much of it is really a lie? Do you really care about any of those girls?"

He sighed and I could see him run his hands over his face in frustration, "No. I didn't like any of them." He stresses the last word and my gaze flickers to him. Does he mean to say that he really has honest feelings for me?

I think back to the day when he mentioned that I remind him of his mother. What is it about me that is making him try so hard? I didn't fully believe the mother story. It seemed too easy, as if he wanted to make me think I knew more about him then I really did in order for me to trust him.

"Tell me about your mother." I say after a few minutes of staring into his eyes.

The softness he had shown me immediately begins to harder as he turns back into the guy I know to be unfaithful and manipulative. "There's nothing to tell."

"How can there be nothing to tell? You brought her up first I might add. You mentioned to me that I remind you of her and if I may tell you the truth, it's a bit weird to be compared to any person's mom."

He turned away from me to look out over the tennis courts, "She was a beautiful woman that didn't take shit from anyone. She could tear down your reputation and create a career ending one in an instant. At the same time she was sweet and caring to those who deserved it. Every night she would come into my room and tuck me in. Even when I was like fifteen and all I could think was how weird it was to have my mom tuck me in.

"I guess I never really appreciated it like I should have. When she wasn't able to tuck me in anymore I found that I missed it intensely. She had this demeanor about her that could calm even the wildest fears that went through my mind before I slept. If you were ever stranded somewhere you would be able to count on her for anything. She was loyal. That's the only true way to describe her." He smiled as he obviously brought up wonderful memories.

I smiled as I tried to create a picture of this strong and beautiful woman in my mind. All I could picture was a faceless being though. Without having anything to go on all I could see were the over blurred lines that were meant to form a face at one time.

"I'm sure she's proud of you for making it to a school like this. Besides your fascination with girls I actually believe your parents raised you well."

Harry fake gasped, "Kendall is that your way of saying that I'm not the terrible person you thought I was?" he asked acting shocked.

I rolled my eyes and stood from my position on the fountain, "Not even close lover boy. I need to get back to my dorm now. I have class soon."

Harry look caught off guard by my failed attempt to hide my hasty escape. He had been teasing me and yet I had reacted without thinking and very recklessly. Recklessness that I had just chastised Angeline for not even two hours ago.

What did that say about me? I rubbed my fingers on my temple on the way back to the dorm. I definitely had a headache that would hinder my ability to function for the day. For now I felt as if I needed to keep close to and yet be miles away from Harry as physically possible.

"So what is it going to be knight? Are you going to admit to him that he's changed your mind and go on the date you've been dreaming of for weeks or keep it to yourself?" I asked myself. The impossible part was, I had no clue what to do at this point.

For my friend I would just like to say that this was published at 11:50 as there fore I still published the day I said I was going to! SO HA!

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