[Juggie]'Til I Forget About You

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Warning:strong use of alcohol .I do not encourage using either of those.If you are going through things,please feel free to contact me or talk to someone.

Requested by:@alex--sandall.It was hard to come up with something like this but I really hope you like it.☺
🎶Get a call on a random afternoon.

I pick it up and I see that it's you.🎶

She was hurting.So was he.He thought it was the best for her,to be set free and have the liberty to do as she liked.He loved her,but slight parts of him just didn't know if he was worth her time.

He didn't seem to show his heartache but he his it.That made the pain worse.To try and forget about her,he locked himself up in his room and typed away for his novel.

Veronica noticed the slight environmental change between the two of them.

So did Betty.

As well as Archie.



Kevin especially tried helping the hurting girl through the heartache,maybe she could talk about it.She didn't seem to give in,unfortunately.

The flashback was as fresh as the scrape she had received that same very day,on her way to the bar.She wanted to escape the pain she had just gone through.The hell she had gone through after the phone call she received from him.


The seriousness in the tone that he talked with,gave it all away.Something was wrong.Not with him.

A sigh was all she heard before his low voice spoke."[Y/n],you know how I think you're an amazing girlfriend?How I love your personality,style,ev-"

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