Chapter 1

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Next morning Jun woke up only when sun was already high in the sky.

Before he could never imagine almost everyday waking up in different place without roof to hide. He was used to live a good and comfortable life, while right now he has only things that friendly people gave him to wear and something to eat, when usually he needs to find food by himself.

He took his backpack, walked down the hill and entered the small forest, he needed something to eat, even though he saw a town near. Jun has been trying to find any eatable plant for almost half of hour when finally he gave up and decided to visit town.

It took him another half of hour to enter it, he quietly hated himself that he has to much pride and wants to do everything by himself, which makes him feel starving and weak at moments like this. Finally he reached first houses, but yet he already knew what people will welcome him and what won't. For that reason he passed first ones and walked the same path a little more until he saw quite big and luxurious house. He thought that there have to live some rich people and he also wanted to pass it, but his eyes were caught by a little boy playing with big but kind dog outside in the garden and a anxious woman who was sitting near him but her eyes told that reason of her worries is not dog playing with her son. Something else was bothering her. Woman lifted her head and then saw Junhui looking at them. She stood up and walked near him.

- Hello, - she said, her voice was calm but her eyes were curious, - does something happened?

- Hello, I'm Wen Junhui. I'm lost here and I don't have anything to eat so maybe...

- Oh, my dear boy, come in, - she welcomed him. Jun was a little surprised, he has never been invited to that kind of house even tho people walking around looked nice and friendly.

They went inside. The hall was quite small when you compare with the outside look but chamber they came in was huge. Woman showed him to sit and walked to another room, that Jun fast saw was kitchen. While he waited, Jun watched things on the walls. He saw photos of happy family that included four people (woman, little boy from the garden, old man, and one more boy that probably is just a little younger than Jun himself) but later there was few photos when only were three people - older son was missing and those ones weren't that nice as previous, because everyone were quite anxious.

Woman came back from kitchen with the three plates of noodles and at the same time little boy walked in. All of them started eating in silent. Jun felt a little akward but somehow he survived.

- So, you have said that you are lost here,- said woman when they ended their food. – What happened?

- Well, I am not sure how to explain... Well this is a bit mystical... I need to find someone right now... But can you tell me what place it is?

- It is Iksan, and you can call me Mrs Lee. What people you are looking for?

- I don't know how to call them exactly, I only know the names... Few are Wonwoo, The8... – he haven't ended the list when woman looked at him and cut his sentence.

- My dear boy, you don't want to find them, believe me. Once you join them you will never go back... Don't go. You better go back to your home but never meet them. – she said and then Jun saw tears on her face, little boy leaned near his mother and hugged.

- I can't come back home... I need to meet them...

- NO! – his sentence was cut by the new voice.


So, Hello again!

This was a new chapter of this story, I am sorry that nothing really happens right now, but I want to take it little by little. By the way all of the changes in members families or somewhere else later are because I need it to be like this.

I hope you enjoy my story.


P.S. if you see any mistakes please tell me.

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