Chapter 10

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Finally Jun wounds had been healed and he could fully walk in the camp without a permision to go out.
Jun was thinking about the story Mingyu told, even if it was a short summary of their travels he couldn't stop thinking about fact that in time they were wandering all around Korea, they were only about ten years old boys who wanted to find way to live.
Another thing that was bothering Jun is that he realised some of them having supernatural powers and even he knew a lot stories from ancient times and all that event in graveyard it was still hard to believe...
He was sitting with Vernon and actually they were in silent for almost twenty minutes, well this was quite comfortable silence because both of them were thinking about different things trying to figure it out. But finally Vernon was first to break it.
- So Jun, I know you have been here for some time right now, but yet you haven't done anything that would help you come home... Yeah, you had to recover but now I think we should start doing something... Anyway it is going to take a long time... Follow me.
He stood up and walked into the small forest next to the camp Jun followed him without saying any word.
They have been walking for a long time until Vernon showed Jun the house on the tree and went there.
It was a small hut, but it was really comfortable, through one window you could only see forest from other you could look into the sky, Vernon said that it was the best place to watch the sunset and he with The8 and Dino liked to sit here a lot.
- So... I guess the learning I talked about before should start with some things you should know about us... - Vernon looked at Jun, he only nodded so boy contonued. - First almost all of us have some kind of different 'supernatural' power, I guess you realised that already, but main thing is that you can't ask anyone what can he do or what can other do, you figure it out by yourself or the person tells you. Second lies are not allowed here. Third better do not ask about personal stuff because... well you know not everyone likes to talk if we think you should know or just we feel like talking then we tell. Forth never be late for food, otherwise you will be hungry until next meat time... - and so and so on, Jun was listening carefully trying to remember everything Vernon said, after this they spent some time talking just about the island and how important it is to boys, in evening there started raining cats and dogs so they stayed in the tree house for the longer time until Jun fallen asleep and Vernon smiled and kept looking into the falling rain.

I hope you like the story, tell me what you think... I am sorry last parts are quite bad... but I don't have a lot time and I am writing only on nights so I am sorry for all the mistakes!
With all love Domi

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