Chapter 22

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Vernon took Jun and tried to climb out the tree without waking boy up. It was hard but yet he  succeeded it. The rest of path was not that hard but Jun wasn't light like a feather so it was tiring after all.

When the boys came back everyone was shocked by the view.

-Long story. What had happened here. – was the thing that Vernon said when he saw the boys.

- There is the problem we don't know how to start. – told him S.Coups. – And we should wake up Jun I think. Or we will explain everything to him later? Okay,Vernon later is later. Then DK you can start talking.

- Vernon, hmm... You remember when once I got to know that the boy named Jun is searching for us right? It was like a momentary moment. And things like this, I mean knowledge about things came to me without reason, is repeating again and it is like more periodically. So I don't want to say exactly what I got to understand lately, because it is about Joshua and he doesn't want to for any of us to know. But today one mind came to me and I walked straight to Josh and told him about this. I didn't know who would need to hear that to and when I said it. He... he... you know... he kind of became insane his eyes looked like in them was huge storm and then he collapsed. And he haven't opened his eyes yet.

Then Vernon looked around the members and saw another laying boy. He was pale and exhausted. Vernon slowly walked next to him.

-DK, you know why he was suffering so much and you know why it happened, why you don't tell us? Don't look into me with these eyes. We need to know what it is, how we can help him anyway...

- I can't, and you guys know it. It is not about us. We can't do anything about it. We can't control any of this... Don't be angry at me. Um... Vernon? What had happened to Jun?

- Do not change the topic. But yet he got the letter and it wasn't really the good news. – Vernon stood up, but then someone grabbed his arm. He turned his head to see who did it. – Joshua?

Everyone hurried around the boy. He slowly tried to sit and only managed when others tried to help him.

-I think it is better to everyone talk one by one. Right? – said S.Coups when boys opened their mouth to say something. – How are you? What happened?

- Can everybody leave me and Seungcheol alone? – said Joshua with weak and quiet voice. S.Coups showed everyone to leave so they did, Vernon took Jun because he still was sleeping. – Thanks... What have happened to Jun? – said Joshua as he watched him being taken away.

- He heard bad news I am not sure what, but Vernon somehow managed to calm him down... He is going to be fine, but what about you, Joshua?

- I am afraid. Of everything. But most of myself. I don't know what is going on. I... – with every his spoken word the wind was rising and as soon as first tears came from Joshua's eyes the rain started. – Cheolie... I am afraid that all of this is because of me. I mean this rain... the storm yesterday... and all of these things... How am I supposed to deal with this... with my feelings?... How?

- Shh... Calm down... Calm down... We are going to figure it out together... Fine? It is not the first time... Ah, I am not really helping you?.. Just don't keep things from me anymore. Please... Brother?... – S.Coups took Joshua's palms in his. They both stared in each others eyes.

-Sure, brother. I am sorry. I know you were worried... But I just don't know how to express my feelings, I don't know if any of this is real. And then Seokmin with all of that knowledge stuff. And Jun... Remember when Minghao guessed if all of this is caused actually by the ones he cared the most? I thought about it too much lately... What if it is the truth? Then Vernon... I think it is a possibility for his little sister to be alive but I am afraid to tell it to him since I am not absolutely sure... I want him to be happy...

-Joshua... You can't keep all of those things on your own shoulders... – S.Coups couldn't really say anything else.

-But I couldn't really tell it to you either... You have a lot thing to bear too... I know that you are not telling it too... Eh... I am so stupid.. Yes, I am... We all are having hard time and yet I am the only who broke down like this. I always stay to boys that there aren't any problem that you can't find the way to get out. How now I am supposed to face them. Ah...

-Well, at least the rain is warm... – When S.Coups said that out of nowhere Joshua looked at him like 'I am going to kill you' but both started laughing.

-Thanks for never leaving my side, brother.



New chapter is here, but I don't know when I will publish the next one because my life sucks... Whatever  I hope you like this. I reaaaaaaaallly want opinions about this fanfic is it good or bad, because it is hard to write when I don't know if you guys like this.

Yours, Domi ♥

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