Chapter 2

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Jun looked to the door and saw a man coming in, his face was nowhere near that kind as woman but less anxious. Jun understood that Mr. Lee is not that kind of person he wants to mess up with.

- You can't meet those people. – said man with his strong voice.

- But... – Jun wanted to protest, but again his sentence was cut off.

- My child, - said woman,- please, don't go to see them. You will never come back if you join them. Don't leave your family...- she started crying again.

- I am sorry, but it is a big misunderstanding. I need to see them, because they are my only hope to see my own family again. I don't know how did I appeared here and I want to come back to China. So only they can help me to know the truth and to see the ones I love again. So please if you know how I can meet them please tell me...

- So you don't want to join them? – man asked him and exactly in that moment when Jun nodded his face became kinder and looked that he is not that dangerous as Jun though when he saw Mr.Lee. – So then we can help you... Well I still don't like the idea of you going there, but I believe what you say. Anyway you need to know something. – he looked into his wife, like asking if he can tell, and continued. – We have son Chan... There was a time when he heard about those people and started wanting to meet them, at first we thought that this is fine and did not really care about it, but when he made a lot of researches he left us and never came back... After some time we got only one message „I am fine, happy and I don't know when we'll see each other ever again". So that is why we are against your travel.

- I am so sorry... – was all Jun said, he didn't know what to do so he stayed in silent...

- Actually we don't really know where are they exactly, but Chan left all of his researches here, so follow me. – Ms. Lee stood up and went out, I followed her. We walked into the room that was the farthest from the kitchen. – we haven't touched anything since he left, take your time. – she said and left.

Jun felt uneasy. First he was in the room that owner, he didn't know who actually that boy is, left his family to see people that Jun was searching for and haven't came back to... What if he is not able to left them after he meets them... Yet he needs to know the truth. Jun went near little table and looked into the papers. He started reading it, that was quite hard. Boy never could read other person hand writing, and anyway after hard time of reading he haven't found anything about them hiding place. Even though he read some facts that seemed to be funny and unreal, like the guy who calls himself S.Coups is theoretically immortal unless he dies in a fight or that another one Woozi can kill you if you look into his eyes like basilisk from the ancient myth stories, Jun was losing his hope to find any light about the place.

He took another page and started reading it. This one said that Woozi is the friendliest person in the world and you can always trust him. Jun started laughing a lot that he flipped all of the papers, he had in his hand, on the floor. „So Woozi is the one who can kill you when you look at him but is the friendliest in whole world. Wonderful, this is exactly the person I need to find" thought he while dying on the floor.

Finally after few moments he managed to stop laughing and sat. He saw different kind of paper he took it. That was a map.


Hello, again it is me.

I am sorry that story is going so slowly. :D I hope  you have time :D

Anyway I will upload new chapters every Saturday (unless I don't have internet connection).

I hope you like it. I really would like to hear you opinion. And sorry for mistakes.

Yours Domi.

Lost {Junhui/Seventeen}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora