Chapter 13

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Wonwoo ran next to them and again repeated the weak: „Leo". He looked really scared.

-What happened? - he asked, still looking into cat... Jun was about to answer but once the cat said a little meow, Wonwoo showed him to not say anything.

Jun has never seen Wonwoo like this, caring, softhearted, scared and loving, most of times he was just the one, who kills everyone with his eyes.

- Is he going to be alright? - Wonwoo asked and Seungkwan nodded, Jun saw the relief in his eyes, - You going to be fine Leo... - then he lifted his head and looked at Jun. It was a little awkward moment. But few seconds later Wonwoo quietly said,- Thank you. - and walked away with Leo in his hands.

Jun smiled, he had never expected Wonwoo to say this to him. Seungkwan was washing his hands next to Jun and laughed.

- It was strange, - he said, - Wonwoo rarely even says 'thank you' to us, well interesting,  is he going to be more friendly in your case or is he going to act like nothing happened. Well, we have never saved any of his cats, so maybe that's why he said that little word,- Seungkwan was laughing, most to himself, because Jun didn't really care. He had his own plans and being friend with Wonwoo wasn't included in this list.

Boys came back to the camp for supper. The8 smiled to Jun but haven't said anything, so Jun sat between Seungkwan and Joshua. They all ate in silence with no one speaking, but it wasn't that awkward silence it was quite calm.

At the end of supper Joshua looked at Jun and said:

-Let's meet later, The8 told me that you need a bit of help. - Jun only nodded.

When everyone went on their ways Jun saw Joshua waiting for him on the swings, he looked dreamy and like for other world, Joshua's eyes were smiling into the sky and adoring every single nice shaped cloud. While Jun was kind of tired and not up to doing anything.

Joshua saw Jun coming and showed to sit next  to him.

- Tell me what do you see in the sky? - dreamy boy asked another.

Jun lifted his head but he saw different shaped small clouds and one dark dangerous looking one.

- I think the storm is coming. - he said.

- It is... but it isn't here yet... the weather before storm changes it has a different smell and different felling, but it is still so weak that I could say it will start raining only after hour or two.

Jun was surprised, how he could know all the things like this. Both of them stayed in silence so Jun was the one who broke it.

- What you are going to teach me? And why do I need your help?

Joshua weakly smile.

- Don't say or ask anything, just stay calm for a while, please...

Jun haven't understood why he is like this, when normally they talk and laugh a lot... Few moments later he became really bored, that he accidentally yawned.

Joshua turned his head and Jun saw a quite elegant jolly smile on his face.

- This boring sitting in silence has meaning and I though that you will know what to do while you were doing it earlier today, before finding Wonwoo's cat. I wasn't stalking you, if you think so, I just wanted to talk with you, but I believe then you wanted to be alone.

Jun looked into the sky, all of the small clouds were gone and his nose felt the smell of the sulfur. He wanted to say something, but Joshua was first.

- Yes, Junnie, the storm is here, - and he stood up, leaving a little bit shocked Jun on the swings as the rain started.



this is new chapter, I am glad that I was able to upload it today, I hope you like it.

Love you, and want to hear your opinion.

Yours Domi.

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