Chapter 14

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As days went Jun became more and more used just to sit in silence with Joshua. One day Jun had been finally explained why The8 asked Joshua's help, he said that he was expected Jun to feel the nature but the boy couldn't. Even though Jun could hear all the little sounds he hadn't told it to them and since the time in graveyard it became harder and Jun was really sad because of it. He knew that the felling of the voices he had could help him a lot.

Joshua saw that something was bothering Jun but couldn't say what, no one them could, sometimes Joshua with Vernon or The8 tried to understand the new come boy, but knew that Jun didn't want that. By every day they felt that as fast as Jun will learn how to turn into the bird he will leave without any thinking to stay, but boys have already admitted that it will hurt... They took him like a new brother that they care about. But yet they decided that they are not going to stop him because the road is going to be long anyway.

Jun was sitting together with Joshua again, but this time Woozi and Dino were together with them.  They have been like this for  a while, when Jun head started hurting so much.

- Jun? - it seemed that Woozi noticed fast emotions change in boy's face, - Is something wrong? Please... Tell us...

- Don't say that you are fine because you are not... - said Dino.

Jun looked at them. He didn't wanted to tell anything, but he knew that DIno can say when he is lying.

- I don't know what's is wrong with me, - he told quietly, - but once I try to hear or see or feel anything more than, I can I start hearing those creepy ancient songs in my head over and over again...

- Can you sing it to us? - Joshua asked shyly, Jun looked at him, his eyes were scared, Joshua wanted to take his world back, but Jun already started.

His voice was trembling and seemed like every word boy sang made him suffer. Dino and Joshua didn't understand what did it meant when Woozi started crying out of pain after few seconds.

Joshua hugged trembling Jun and asked him to stop, Dino was taking care of Woozi.

- Dino, have you felt anything? - Woozi asked weakly and when he got negative answer, he looked at Joshua who the same as Dino wasn't affected by it.  - Why Jun and I suffer and you two do not?? What it is about these songs...

- In graveyard I collapsed but Seungkwan was fine... Don't you think that there is something about us toot... - Jun told Woozi, his voice was a bit calmer now, but still shaking.

- I am sorry,- whispered Joshua and for some reason in that moment tears went from Jun's eyes.



I am really sorry for this chapter... But I hope you forgive me. Tell me what you think about this story after all.


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