Chapter 4

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Jun wasn't sure where he was heading to but still kept walking for days. He was tired and losing his hope. Every time he met any person he kept asking for directions. The food Mrs. Lee gave already have ended and again he had nothing to eat. He started dreaming nightmares about never coming back to home or losing all his family again.

It was a really rough time.

But still he kept going. He still needed to see those people.

It was already late evening when near forest he saw a graveyard and some people sitting near the fireplace next to the gates. Jun wanted to be unnoticed by them but unfortunatlly those people saw him and waved. Junhui didn't know what to do, he wanted to run, but his feets seemed to be petrified, so he stayed.

Three almost his age boys came near him.

- Who are you, my sweet boy? Such a hansome boys like you should stay at their home or at least in someone else houses but not in the forest... – said one of them, he was with dark quite long hair and actually with handsome face. Jun was standing in the silence, it is not like he didn't know what to say or was afraid to say anything, but just he couldn't the same as he couldn't run before...

- You are not talking with us... Do we scare you? I don't want you to be afraid of us. – said another one, with dark but short hair a bit taller than the first one, and grinned... The third boy kept being in silent, he was with a bit lighter hair and with judging face. Yeah, those people were not the ones Jun wanted to stay...

And yet they convinced him to stay. Jun had to built his own tent next to them. He didn't like the fact staying near the graveyard, litteraly almost in the graveyard, but he had to. Those people had something that made him to do what he didn't want to.

- Who are you? And what do you want from me? – said Jun for the first time after almost an hour.

- Oh, look, I though you can't talk, - said long haired one, - You don't need to know who we are now, next time you will, of course, if there be the next time, - he laughed with irony, but suddently he became serious. – Anyway, I need you to do something, - he said.

Jun eyes became wider and a bit scared, but yet he realised that the third boy, who haven't talked at all, looked at him with disbelief.

- Seriously?? I though you were kidding when you said that you are going to ask him to do it... You are crazy... He might not be able to...

- I am not crazy at all, - the boy cut others sentence, smiled and looked at Jun, - My sweet boy, I want you go to the graveyard, find the grave of Kim Nari, and do whatever you want or you'll need to do, I mean do what your heart says to do, anyway you can keep this crybaby for a company but you two won't be able to talk.

- Hey! I am not the crybaby... I just want to... – he shuted his mouth and glared at the first one.

Jun haven't understood what happened but yet he stood up and walked through the gates. The boy followed him. He walked in the main path but wasn't sure where he needed to go. Yet he turned to left and again walked straight but now reading the names. He turned into other line and reeated that over and over again till finally he found the grave, but there was a little mistery on the tombstone was written only her name and a birth day while the death one was missing.

- Why there is only a bir... Wait..., - Jun stayed in silent for a moment when somehow he felt some kind of strange feeling, - Don't tell me that she is not dead?

Boy turned his eyes away. Jun looked scared.

- Is she buried alive?



I just wanted to say thank you for reading it! ♥


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