Chapter 17

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Minghao was sitting in the corner thinking about his life and things he has been trough. He has been here for so long and actually had never thought if it was a good decision to come. He wasn't sure if those thoughts are needed at all, because he is already here and probably he couldn't change it but neither he wanted to do it. Being here with boys made him start feeling better and get back to his normal life. Well actually normal people can't turn themselves into animals as The8 could, but this was the thing that saved him from his own.

His eyes were following Jun, the boy that also wished to turn himself to a bird for the reason to meet his loved ones, this kind of made Minghao feel sad because he didn't have where to come and he achieved this only to hide from the outside world. Something about Jun made Minghao really curious, he wasn't sure what was that, but something wasn't right, well at least it seemed to be.

And Minghao wasn't the only one lost in his minds. Jun was like this by himself. Actually he wanted someone to talk but he was afraid.

Boy was walking from one way to other and back for some minutes. In absolutely silence without anything disturbing him. He started to hear bird all around him, the wind if the trees, all the things he used to  hear while coming here and first time after he came.

He felt quite relieved like the part of him he was missing came back.

But his nice minds were interrupted by the familiar whisper that came from the corner „I wish we could talk more" it sounded so sad and Jun looked to the place from where the sound came, Minghao eyes were looking at him and since Jun saw it boy turned his head down.

For some reason Jun walked to the younger boy and sat next to him.

Even thought both of them wanted to talk no one started the conversation so it was quite long uncomfortable silence. Til The8 finally broke it by asking about Jun's past, because there was the things he wanted to know about the most.

Jun started telling about his perfect life how he lived with his family, about his little brother, about his girlfriend. This talk was everything both of them needed for one to get closer and understand the boy, for other to feel better.

But once Jun mentioned his girlfriend, The8 became more interested he wanted to know about her as much as Jun could tell him about.

for a bit Jun hesitated but then once he started he couldn't be stopped which make Minghao smile a lot. When finally Jun ended, Minghao quietly said:

- I am glad we had this talk...

- Me too...Anyway you wanted us to talk... I heard what you whispered before me coming to you.

- You heard it... - Minghao looked straight into the older eyes. - What do you mean by you heard??

- I heard when you whispered that you wished we could talk more...

Minghao's eyes where wide as never before, suddenly he stood up leaving Jun alone and clueless what just happened.

After some time he boy came back with Woozi and after few more minutes all the left came too.

- Hey, Minghao, what is happening? Why have you all brought here?? - asked S.Coups.

- I know the reason why Woozi and Jun were hurting because of that creepy old song. -said he.



look who is back. Well almost back.

Sooo, yeah this is the new chapter not very long but at least something... Hihihi, my sweetest Chinese line....

Okey, never mind.

Yet, I do not promise that I will be back next week or that I will upload by schedule, but I will try to write new chapter as soon as I can.

Love you, yours Domi.

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