Chapter 16

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Jun and Jihoon became more and more close day by day, but still haven't understood the reason of the ache that they both had.

The8, when he heard about it, also told Jun his real name. It was Minghao. The boy thought that if they are more open to Jun, he will also open up to them.

Joshua different than others somehow closed himself in his own minds rarely talking to others, what looked suspicious to the boys. So Dino tried to get the truth, but he failed. He was told that Joshua was only sad that Jun and Woozi are hurting because of him, but he was hiding something.

Wonwoo and Hoshi were trying to make things better when they saw that someone is sad.

Well, Jeonghan somehow managed to break his arm so Seungkwan had to take care of him.

And others lived like always, trying new things.

Dino was writing the letter when Jun and Hoshi walked next to him.

-Hyung? Could you sent the letter to my parents? - Dino asked Hoshi. He only nodded.

Jun looked at them.

- What do you mean by saying that you can sent the letter to Dino parents?- he was confused.

-Oh, you don't know? You saw that I kind of control fire, so I can sent the fire messages to someone and get the answers back. I am quite useful here sometimes. But Dino you have never sent anything to your home yet....Why did you want to do it so suddenly?

The younger boy muttered something like 'long story' and kept writing.

- Hoshi, could you sent two letters to China from me? - asked Jun and when he got the answer he wished to hear, the boy ran to get some paper and started writing.

First letter he decided to write for his family.

Hi mum, dad and brother,

I missed you so much! But I am fine right now, I am trying to find the way to come back home as fast as I could, I am with nice people that are willing to help me. I hope that you are all fine. Tell me, what's is going on in house. Write everything on this letter other half and when you are done just leave it, I will receive it.

Yours Jun

It was the first letter he new that it is not the perfect one, but still it was something. And the second one he wrote to his girlfriend, it was really similar to the one he wrote to his parents.

He gave letters to Hoshi and saw how he burned them for some reason Jun got scared but calmed down. It is Hoshi, he knows what he does. But Jun was afraid if the people, who will receive its, are okay, what if something had happened.

Jun tried to stay calm. But the feeling inside him was really cold and killing.

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