Chapter 21

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Jun fast grabbed the letters from Hoshi and ran to the forest. He wanted to read it quietly without anyone interrupting him, so he went to the tree house where once he was with Vernon. So it took it few minutes to get here and unfortunately Vernon was here reading some papers. He looked at the older boy and smiled a little.

-Don't worry, you can read your letters here, I am not going to interrupt you, anyway I have something to read too. – said the younger when he realized Jun's disappointed reaction.

Jun only nodded and sat on the floor. He opened the first letter. It was from his girlfriend.

Hi Jun,

It's so great to know that you are fine, since you disappeared all of us were really sad and worried. I couldn't sleep for nights, but at last I hoped you were alive. Yet it was really hard to live since we haven't got any news from you.

Actually things are not fine. I am not sure but something happened into our town. Well I moved out from the town to visit my cousin and Han went together, since you left he never lets me to be alone, he is afraid that something might happen to me. So coming back to theme, day after we left I heard rumors about our town burning and not leaving any survivors. I am so afraid. My cousin haven't let us to go and check but I hope it is not truth.

I hope you are all fine, I missed you and wish to see you as soon as we can.

Yours Meilin

Jun stared into the paper sheet with too much mixed emotions, he was glad to know that she is save but was scared about what he had just read. When he came back to the normal self he opened second letter. He became even more worried since half of words looked unreadable because it seemed to be that the writer was crying while writing it.


I don't know, how to start. Everything is so messed up. Anyway you are alive, it makes it a bit better. But I am afraid to tell  things to you. Few days ago the town had burned into ashes. At that moment Zhengkun-ge, Qian-jie and I were in our island, you know that one in the middle of lake only with one old tree... So it turned out that only we three had survived... But our parents they died...

From this part Jun couldn't read anymore first was because the words were even more unreadable another that his vision was too blurry from his own tears... But he wiped them and tried to read the last part of letter that was in a bit better quality.

... we don't know what to do.

Also, I am not sure about the Meilin- jie and Han-ge, because both of them left one day before accident. Qian-jie is suspicious about it but I don't think they have done this... They are to good people and yet Meilin-jie cousin is sick... I hope she is fine.

Don't be so sad, brother. I hope to see you one day, but for now stay with those people, I am afraid something might happen to you too.

Your brother.

P.s. I am sorry I couldn't keep my tears

Jun's eyes watered again. He couldn't keep it anymore. His parents were gone. He looked into those small words in the paper. He felt so alone and helpless. What he had done to all of those things to happen in his life. At last his brother is save. He knew that Qian and Zhengkun are going to take care of him. They have always were like family. His minds couldn't keep any of this anymore. Everything seemed to be blank and blurry. He tried to stand up but lost the control of his body and felt down, but two arms caught him from hitting the floor.

-Jun? – said the quiet, worried voice that belonged to Vernon. Jun shook his head and slowly handed the letter to the younger. After a minute he only heard the gasp and a sad sigh. – Jun... If you need some time alone I can give it to, if you want someone I'll be here for you.

Jun nodded calmly and whispered the weak „Stay". Vernon hugged Jun and just let him to cry out everything, then younger started to croon an easy melody. After a while Vernon just felt that Jun fall asleep.

Vernon stared into calmed boy. He couldn't help himself to remember his own past. How he had felt when heard that his fathers boat drowned, when he found his mother lying dead together with his younger sister. He was all alone trying to survive from the world and his own self. He nearly turned into the emotionless creation. But then Joshua had found him and comforted telling that life isn't over yet, that he can't ever break down, that he needs to become stronger no matter what. And yet now his savior doesn't even remember his own words, losing himself.

His minds were interrupted by the squeaky voice in his head: „Vernon! Where the hell are you? Do you know where is Jun? Something is wrong with Joshua and DK. Please come. Vernon?"

Vernon sighed and answered: „We are coming Seungkwan."



One more horrible chapter to come.

I felt so sorry writing all of this. So to explain something Qian and Zhengkun are twins and Jun childhood friends before him starting dating Meilin, but those two always helped him and his little brother. Then Vernon has a power to communicate using his minds but he can't read it unless the person thinks about him.

Ah I hope you liked it.

See you soon,


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