Chapter 19

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After the conversation everything seemed to back on track. Minghao was around Jun more and more they started to talk about everything. Minghao told him, how he appeared here, why he left China and things like this, but all of the time since Jun asked Minghao about love he started mumbling and he later on became silent and it was happening all of the time.

Until once.

Then it was just a evening an they were spending time by the lake. Minghao looked at Jun with a little, cute and yet the sad smile.

- I know it is not fair that I know about you so much and you don't know the same about me. You've always asked about my love. I am not prepared to answer that but I think I should. Because there will never be right time for me....

Jun looked at him and wanted to say that it is okey, and he can keep it, but Minghao already started.

- Do you remember when I said that I left my town because of the fire? It wasn't just like this. When I lived there. I had a childhood friend, Juhuan. She was one of the kindest person I've ever met. Well we were together since... we're born actually... And as time passed we realized that we both have feelings for each other. Epic. I know. But she was kind of everything to me. Even though we were really really young. But then some people came into my town.. They kept tracking me... for some kind of reason... so I got into hiding. And when they started killing each animal in my town, we understood why. And later on... they treated Juhuan... and when she haven't told them where I was... they... killed her. And the worst.... I saw that. I was in her house. I was a stupid, helpless, little mouse in the hall and all could was just watch the love of my life dying. After this they came outside and started setting on fire each of house. And then you already know that I ran from there... - Minghao was keeping his tears in his eyes. Once he ended his story, he just looked into the lake with the dead expression on his face. Jun didn't know what to say.

Minghao was the person who smiled, laughed, cheered everyone up the most, while all of the time he was keeping the pain inside in his heart. Jun was kind of jealous of his being so happy every time. While right now, he just sat, hoping that the boy next to him say that it all was just a tale and that he never ever met the love o his life. But he knew that Minghao would never lie with the things like this.

-Say something... Please... I can't be in silence... -said younger boy.

- I don't know what... I was always complaining to you that my life is a hell... While I always thought that you were just a happy kid who came here just because of the reason you have lost your home and... and.. right now I see that you have lost way to much... that I couldn't ever imagine how do you felt and feel... I am so sorry...

-There is nothing you need to feel sorry about. It was my mistake I should have showed up and let everyone live instead of sacrificing everyone around me... I should have been dead.

- Don't talk like this. - Jun shouted at the boy. He took the younger face into his hands and looked straight at him red eyes,- Do not ever again say that you are not supposed to lived, you need to live for all of those who died, you don't have to hide your feelings, you don't have to smile all of the time. You are the one living so live because you have opportunity to do things. - Minghao hugged Jun and broke into tears...

-Thank you... - he slowly said. He thought about every moment of his life. He remembered Juhuan smile, the fire, how he got here, how S.Coups already once said the same monologue about his life and now Jun. He felt grateful for the reason that they haven't thought of his as useless and not worth of living. So Minghao decided that he needs to help Jun to reach his dream no matter what happens.



promise is a promise :D

As I promised, I uploaded the new chapter, well I wanted to keep the story for Minghao as long as I could, but I think that some of backstory of member would be great and while they got closer it was quite good timing even though I wanted to keep it for longer time. :D

I hope you liked this chapter. :)

Yours Domi :)

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