Chapter 9

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Its been already few days when Jun has woken up in the camp...  He got to know some of people around him and spent most of his time with The8 and Woozi,  but some of the boys were acting like he doesn't exists, especially Wonwoo.
It was an early morning when Jun woke up... He knew that he can't go outside until Seungkwan or S.Coups give him morning medicine... Yet he stood up and wanted to go out. But then he saw Mingyu and Wonwoo talking together. Mingyu was looking upset while Wonwoo was quite angry, then he walked away leaving Mingyu alone. Jun watched it from the distance and tried to come back to his room but Mingyu noticed him and called his name. Jun waited for Mingyu to come.
-You know that you are not supposed to be outside until you take your verbs?
-I am sorry... I was just too bored...
-Let me keep your company,- Mingyu said and entered Jun room.
They both sat on the bed and started talking about everything and nothing at same time. It was quite fine until Jun hasn't asked how Mingyu came here... He looked down to the floor...
-Well, it happened few years ago, when I couldn't live in my house anymore and I decided to go out... I started traveling around without any knowlegde where to go... and its been for months while I met Wonwoo and he told me the stories about those people... then we both were just children, but we hoped to meet them... even if it was just like a myth and like a legend... but lately it turned out  that is truth... we were found by S.coups and Joshua, who were just a bit older than us and we were really surprised and a bit disappointed by the fact that they are just a boys like us, but them greeted us like brothers and we started traveling with them... Some time passed and Woozi with Jeonghan joined and time by time when we were wandering we met new people... and only when we met Seungkwan we decided to stay in Jeju island... After that only the8 Vernon and Dino found us...
-Is it the reason why some doesnt like me here?...
-I believe that it is... well at least I hope that it is the only reason and you will make them trust you... - he said and wanted to tell something more but Seungkwan came with herbs and Mingyu walked out.

I am sorry it is really short!!!
But I really hope you like the story :)

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