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The screams of pain cut through the night and bellowed throughout the kingdom of Versai which belonged to the elves. No matter how much the servant elves tried to calm the princess down and cool her with water from the Wet Divide, it did not stop the agonising pain that the princess was going through as her body arched off of the silk wound bed, releasing another painful cry. Her body trying to force the small child that was inside her out into the world.

Outside the door of the princesses chambers stood her worried father as he paced the length of the corridor outside her room before turning and stalking back. Repeating the action multiple times to try and smother his worry as he listened to the cries from his daughter as she was nearing the end of her labour. The screams had gone on for more than half of the day, starting at sundown. It was now nightfall as the pale moon was shining through the curtains of the kingdom.

As much as the king was worried about his daughter, he was also angry. Frustrated by the fact that his daughter hid her pregnancy from him for so long that he didn't know she was pregnant until a servant had rushed into the dining hall, disturbing him from his evening meal and telling him the news of his daughter going into labour, about to give birth to a child.

He could deal with that, but he could not deal with some lower class elf wielding his way into his daughter's heart and making her bare his child.

The king ran a hand through his fair hair in frustration as his blood boiled at the thoughts.

His beautiful pure daughter was too young to hold the responsibilities that came with raising a child in this world. How foolish she was to have gone and done something like this behind his back, knowing that she was going to be married to a neighbouring elven prince from across the river only weeks from now.

Unless she had no say in what she was doing and the man made her do this against her will. This made the king slam his tight fist down on a small table near the door to his daughter, making the table split in half from the power and strength the king forced through his temper.

The screaming of his daughter continued and this made the king continue his pacing for another several minutes until the screaming stopped and the cries of a small child shook the air, making the king stop and turn to the door, sighing in relief.

One of his daughter's servants quickly opened the door. Her eyes finding the king as she smiled warmly at him yet it did not reach her eyes. She almost looked afraid for some reason. Her cheeks and ears tinging pink ever so slightly as a small part of her blonde hair fell in her eyes.

The king spotted this and his stomach dropped in fear. His eyes starting to well up as he looked at the servant, thinking the worse.

"What is it?" He asked through a whisper. His voice small, he feared for his daughters life. He had lost so much in the past that the thoughts of losing his beautiful daughter brought him to despair.

"My king. You can come in now." The servant said in a monotone voice, the fear reaching her eyes now as she opened the door wider to reveal princess Fhara.

Fhara gazed down at the small child clutched in her arms, quiet as the child too stares up at her. Small hands reaching up to grab a small piece of her blonde-almost silver hair. Fhara smiled down at her beautiful child as the king stepped in. His eyes welling up in joy as he sees the child with its white hair, similar to its mother as he gurgles at his daughter.

"Thank the Gods you are alright my child." The king whispers as he makes his way over to the bed where his daughter and grandchild were perched.

Fhara's eyes immediately glance up at him in slight fear. The king didn't notice this however and continued towards his daughter, his eyes set on his grandchild to have a closer look at the new addition to the elven kingdom. The birth of a child destined for greatness.

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