Chapter forty-five

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“You're spending the whole day with me.”

I rolled my eyes at Katherine but she just grinned and sat next to me. After eating breakfast, I had come to Katherine's apartment and now I was here—just a second away from promising her my entire day.

Which meant that very uncomfortable topic all day.

“So for how long has it been going on?”

A grin stretched her lips and I chuckled at her predictable character. “For some time now.”

She rolled her eyes and gave a theatrically long world weary sigh. “How much time?”

“Since he came to New York.”

A smile was threatening to form as I saw Katherine's frustration but I kept a straight face. “Where did you meet him?”

A frown formed on my face has I gave Kate a blunt look. “Don't you feel weird talking about this?”

Something passed across Katherine's face but she still tried to smile—she failed though. “Is it for you?”

I shrugged. “I'm not sure. I don't really feel anything except a little discomfort. I'm afraid of hurting you though.”

Katherine sighed and nervously played with her fingers in her lap. “Since we met at the bar, I fantasized about seeing him again. Anyway…someway…someday. But it didn't happen, my obsession with our meeting didn't stop though. A year after, I came across his picture on social media and found out the man I met is actually a billionaire and Marcus Crawford's first son. I never knew even his name except the man's face, because we didn't exchange names that day, he didn't want us to. So, when I found out who he was, I kinda started stalking him because I knew where to look and it grew into this obsession and then something I called love.”

I choked on my spit and began coughing. Katherine just watched me and gave a sad laugh as she saw the panicked look on my face. “I don't know if it's love but I know that my very good self control stopped me from going to a place where I'd meet him just to make sure we met again.”

She rolled her eyes in a way that spoke of self mockery. “Though I went to that bar a lot and I mean a lot in hopes of seeing him. I never did. I satisfied myself with any little news I hear about him over the years.”

I felt sad for my friend as I gazed at her. I watched different emotions pass on her face but I saw sadness the most.

“What struck me the most that day was that he spoke maturely and how every word he said struck a chord in my heart that day. I was amazed at how intellectual and down to earth he was, I noticed that in our conversations. And then coupled with how he looks…”

Katherine trailed off and sighed. I sighed too. She didn't need to say it, he represented perfection. She looked to be waiting for me to say something but I had nothing to say. This felt weird for me. “I've no idea what to say.”

Amusement flashed in Katherine’s eyes. “You don't have to say anything. You didn't steal Caden from me, he was never mine but he is yours. That's why I asked you about it at your house because he obviously has feelings for you. Very deep ones. He couldn't keep his eyes off you that day at Lucca's house. It was just so intense how he looked at you that I thought there was no way you both won't end up together or you weren't already.”

I blew out a breath as I thought of how crushed she must have been when she saw that, asked me, I lied and gave her hope and then she found out there was no hope. “I'm sorry.”

Katherine looked startled but then smiled and I knew she appreciated my apology. She wouldn't have asked for it but we both knew she deserved one. “Thank you. I just pray I find my own Caden soon.”

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