The Hospital (Reprise)

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A/N: Woah, Jump is almost to 100k reads. That's insane. Thank you all so much for your support. Words fail (hahaha) me in thanking all of you. This A/N is dedicated OneGoodWriter for the lovely fan art above. Thank you! I hope you enjoy "The Hospital (Reprise)" :

"We need assistance."

"Call a nurse."

"Is he in a coma?"

"His mother said he has anxiety."

"The boyfriend's here."

"The boyfriend is with his sister though."

"Twenty five stitches."

"The boy is seventeen."

I feel trapped within myself. My world is black. Unrecognizable voices ring in my ears. I want to scream. I can't. I'm too scared. Where am I? What happened? Where's mom? And Connor? And Zoe?

I hear a door. But it's loud. Like a gunshot. I wince at the noise.

"Where is he?"


"I don't know what the hell these things are, but his mom gave them to me."

"I'll take 'em, kid."

I feel myself come more alive as I smell something foul getting shoved close to my nose. My eyes begin to lightly flicker. Agh, this place is bright.

"He's coming to!"


I use a weak hand to block some of the light from my squinting eyes. Through the cracks of my fingers I see Connor. But what was that smell? As I slowly remove the hand from my face, my eyes dart around the room.

Smelling salts, duh.

"Wha-what happened?" I say weakly. My head feels heavy and my body feels clammy, kind of like what happens when my hands get sweaty.

"You fainted," a nurse says coldly.


"Shhhh, it's okay Ev. I'm here now. Zoe's fine. She just had to get some stitches. They're just checking to make sure she's okay."

"But where's-"

"You're mom's with Zoe. They both insisted that I see you. I'm so sorry Ev. I would have come sooner; it's just, you know, Zoe was freaking out over getting stitches and stuff."

"What about your parents?"

"With the car," he says bluntly. "Or at least I think they are. The car service people might have come by now, so they could be on the way here." Connor runs his fingers through my hair, and I fight to not close my eyes. I feel weak and tired but awake and jumpy at the same time. "You want some water or something?" Connor asks calmly. I nod. He gets up and leaves the room to get the water, and I realize that any doctors or nurses that were in here also left; leaving me alone. I don't know why, but I suddenly start to tear up. It could be the combination of everything that's happened. It could, for some odd reason, be the solitude. It could be the silence. Shoot, now you're crying. Stop crying, Evan! Okay seriously? Now you're crying harder. The more I tell myself to stop, the more I cry. I want things to be normal. Zoe's okay, but now she has twenty five stitches, all because Connor and I wanted ice cream. And my cast is gone. And I'm getting older. And what if Connor and I won't see each other everyday after high school ends? And school is ending really soon because we just have finals and graduation rehearsals.

"Evan, what happened?" Through tear blurred eyes I see Connor making an entrance into the room. He rushes to my bedside and practically throws the cup of water onto the table next to me. I try to sit up but he gently pushes me back down. "Shhhh, it's okay Evan. I'm sure we can figure out which button on this remote makes the head move up on the bed, 'kay?" He starts examining the remote, and then presses a button, which makes the foot end of the bed go up. I yelp in fear but then start laughing; and the combination of laughing and crying makes me start to hiccup, which makes my face glow a bright red. Connor starts laughing along with me as he shakily puts the foot end of the bed back down, and then hits the right button. "Sorry," he says in between fits of laugher. Finally, we calm down, and Connor hands me the water. The water touches my lips and I enjoy the cool rush more than I expected to, and put the now empty cup on the table. "Geez! You want more?" I shake my head. The room is silence as Connor and I search for eye contact with each other. We lock eyes and I reach out my hands to pull him closer. I close my eyes and feel our lips about to touch.


We both jolt, and pull away from each other with popped eyes. "I'm so happy you're okay." Not even a minute later, I find Mrs. Murphy running to Connor and wrapping her arms around him. He looks at me uncomfortably while his mother covers him in kisses.

"Mom," he mumbles, making her let go and look at him. She then looks over to me.

"Oh Evan I am so sorry if we caused you any harm. I'm glad you're okay." I look at her and smile.

"Mom, we weren't even in the car. Zoe called us when we were waiting for her to pick us up. She said that a driver was gonna come straight into her and so she swerved to protect herself and accidentally crashed the car." Connor lets out a small giggle and we both stare at him. "I guess that means she crashed the car by trying to not crash the car."

"Well, I'm just happy both of you boys are safe. Um, is everything else okay, Evan?" She asks, referring to me being in a hospital bed.

"Yeah, I got nervous and fainted. But I'm okay now," I smile.

"Where is Zoe, Connor? Is she okay?!"

"She had to get some stitches, but she's fine too. She was pretty shaken up, but I sat with her in the emergency room before coming here." We both look up at Mrs. Murphy, who hugs Connor again.

"I'm sorry, I'm just so proud of you," she says as she moves away from Connor and then places her hand on my shoulder. "You two did the right thing."

"C-Connor?" We look towards the door and see Zoe. Connor leaps up, pushing past his mother, and runs over to Zoe. He wraps her in a hug, almost knocking her down. After about a minute, Connor backs up, and I notice Zoe has crutches.

"They're so I don't put pressure on the stitches." She must have noticed me staring at them. "How are you feeling?"

"How am I feeling? How are you feeling?! Forget about me for a second Zoe."

There's a knock on the outside of the door. Zoe comes in to allow the mystery person, correction, people, inside. First mom, and then... Jared?

We all look at him confused as he stands in the doorway.

"I got ice cream!"

And Connor starts laughing, a lot. So much that he almost falls down, but steadies himself by sitting next to me on the bed. And I start laughing. I fall sideways into Connor on the bed, and we nuzzle into each other's shoulders as we laugh together. The laughter only spreads. Zoe starts laughing along with us, and then Mrs. Murphy. Zoe sits down on the bed next to us. We hold hands. The way two friends, two friends so close that they act like siblings, would. Then my mom starts laughing and Jared does too, after putting the ice cream on the table and jumping onto the bed with Connor, Zoe, and I.

"What's going on in here?" We all go quiet and look to the door, where Mr. Murphy is now standing. And then I look at Connor, who looks at Zoe, and all three of us look at Jared.

"What?" He asks, and we all start laughing again.

Four friends,
The best friends I could ever ask for,
On a day that might not seem so great,
But is good enough for me.

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