A Friendly Date

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A/N: I'm not sure when this is going to be published, but after publishing 'The Hospital (Reprise)' I figured out how to check rankings. And Jump is #248 in fanfiction?!?! What!?! I cannot thank you all enough for your support. Here we go, only a few chapters left.

A/N (Part 2 because why not leave the other A/N in here) thank you wordsokay for telling me that somehow this book is #110 in fanfiction now. WHAT?!?! THIS IS INSANE THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH!! Once again, super long thank you coming at the end of the book. Here's the next chapter: A Friendly Date. I hope you like it!

"Here we go. Our last two weeks of school. Are you ready?" I nod shakily, and Connor places his hands on my shoulders. "You're nervous for finals, aren't you?" Once again, I nod. "It's okay, Ev. Anyways, it's your senior year. These grades don't matter anyways. Now come on, take my hand, and let's go finish high school.

Finals were easier than I expected, but tiring. A whole week of tests, long tests. And then I would get home and my mom would make sure that I was prepared for the next day's tests. By the end of the week my brain is crammed with completely unnecessary information and I'm minus at least a full night's sleep. Connor and I decided ahead of time that we would spend time together Sunday, so we could spend Saturday sleeping.


"I thought we were meeting at the park?" I ask, surprised to Connor who decided to show up at my house while I'm still in my pajamas.

"I know, but I like walking with you. Even if I had to walk all the way to your house just so I could walk to the park with you," he says with a smile. "And anyways, you look adorable with bedhead."

"Stop," I whine as Connor messes up my hair even more with his hand.

"Okay," he laughs. "Now go change, sleepyhead; we're going outside because there is no way you left the house yesterday."

"Oh, hello boys!" I turn around and see my mom. If Jared, Alana, and Zoe were here then everyone I know would see me in pajamas with massive bedhead. What a great possibility.

"Hello Ms. Hansen. Evan was just going to change upstairs before I have to drag him out of the house."

"Those finals must have been exhausting. I could barely get him out of bed yesterday."

"Mom," I say under my breath out of embarrassment, and Connor giggles. I feel redness fill my face, which makes it harder for Connor to hold in his laughter. I playfully hit him in the arm and run upstairs to my bedroom, locking my door behind me. Shoot, what am I going to wear? What if Connor surprises me by taking me somewheres fancy?

I speed walk to my closet and glance at the various articles of clothing. All though there aren't that many things to look at, I find myself ripping everything from the closet and flinging it onto the floor.

"Everything okay, Evan?"


I run to the door and grasp the handle. The door goes flying open. "Mom I don't know what to wear! What if Connor takes me somewheres besides the park? I don't want to dress to casually or look to fancy! Oh no, now I have to clean my room and Connor's waiting!"

"Woah, slow down buddy. Don't worry about your room right now. Um... wear this," she says as she picks up a blue button down shirt with small diagonal white stripes. "It's casual enough that it doesn't look overly formal."

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