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I was hanging out with Tasha, and Jackson. I made Tasha tag along. 😂 he was cool. He was in college, he was sweet..

"Can I talk to you outside? Not to be rude Tasha." He quickly added. "Go outside and give my sissy a baby." She pushed at us as went to the bathroom. We got up and walked outside. "Sorry, I just wanted to say you are a cool ass female. even tho you younger than I thought." "Boy. I'm legal." I laughed. He drove a nice Tahoe. It was candy red, and reaaaal nice. I think 2016 model, he looked at me.

"You beautiful too." I tucked my hair behind my ear. "Thanks." I blushed. "Like really beautiful.." he took a step closer. I had never like been this turned on toward a guy. He didn't mind being in my space.

"My bad.." he smirked. "What?" I asked.. "I'm gonna guess you're turned on, and I'm only gonna guess that because your breathing changed but kiss me if I'm wrong.." he licked his bottom lip. I just laughed. I bit my bottom lip. "Lift ya head.. too beautiful to be looking down. Ain't no need to be shy.. I'll break that shit in." I looked at him.

The pool in between my legs. He leaned down. "When you get rid of ya nigga.. let me show you how a real nigga can do this. We only 3 years apart." I looked at him. I watched his face come noticeably closer. I kinda moved first. I was almost there, I backed out. "I can't." I pushed him. "I understand. I apologize.." he licked his lips.

I dunno.. but I grabbed his face and kissed him. His lips. His hands. I moaned softly into his mouth. When his hand caught a hold of my ass. I pushed him. "I uh I gotta go.." I don't know why the fuck I did that!

I walked quickly back in the arcade.

Tasha looked at me. "Take me home.. please." I asked. She didn't hesitate. I was in panic mode. I had to tell Lucas. My gut was telling me too.

I got out of her car. "Don't tell him. Calm ya self first." She got out. I forgot I told her to spend the night.

"No. I'll tell him.." I was on the verge of crying. "You can't be ready to cry already then. Suck it up." "Okay bye Tasha, I'll be up in a minute.." I sat on the hood of my car fiddling with my phone chewing on my bottom lip.

His car pulled up.

I walked down and got in the passenger seat. "Wassup?" He turned the car off. I looked at him. "Considering you look like you're about to cry at any moment.. I think you need to tell me because I'm only gonna get mad because you tryna take ya time."

"I kissed Jackson. I dunno ho-" he smacked the shit out of me. I pulled my hair back and his eyes were wide. "I'm sor-" I got out. "No baby I'm sorry.." he made his way toward me. "Baby.. please." He tried to stand in my way. "This is done.." I pointed between us. He pushed me. "Let me talk to you!" I saw the door open. "Please don't.." he looked like he was about to cry. "Bye Lucas." I walked off.

I walked into my dad. "What's up?" He asked. "Why was he yelling?" He asked as I walked past him.

I walked into my room and tongued the inside of my jaw. "Girl. Want me to beat his ass up?" "No." I laughed. "Okay. I was hoping you'd say that.. my cousin is going to." I looked at her too quick. "No. Wh-" "girl don't make excuses for that nigga. You let this little incident slide once. Shits gonna happen again. Who's to say he won't stop?" I nodded.

I took a bath and tears flowed. Someone I had gotten so close with and grew to love could do some shit like that.

I heard Tasha talking to someone. So I got out. She was talking about me.. I opened the door. Jacksons bright ass face all across the screen.

"You didn't?" "I didn't why would I?" I was relieved. "He asked where you was.." I shook my head. "Wassup beautiful.." he smirked in the camera. "Hey." I tucked my hair behind my ears. She tossed the phone to me. "Bruh.." I looked at her. "Goodnight." She crawled under my covers. I sat in my chair at the vanity.

It was bruised.. I moved my phone to the side. "Move it back.." he demanded. "For what?" "Move it back." He rolled his eyes. I did so. Not up to arguing.. "who did that?" "M- me and Tasha were play fighting.." I lied quick asf.

"OH NO THE HELL YOU WILL NOT BLAME THAT ON ME." She popped up. "Tasha I got $500 who did it?" "Lucas. Her lil boyfriend. She was tryna be a Good Samaritan and tell him what happened between y'all."

Call ended.

I looked at her. "Damn Tasha!" I shook my head. "Damn Jayda!" She mocked. I crawled into bed and laid down beside her. "Don't be mad doll. Plus we got $500 EXTRA so." I laughed. "Don't finesse him.." 🙄

We both passed out in a little over an hour after that.

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