George Weasley, now a taller and more mature man, sat on a chair on the balcony of his room, looking out into the warm summer's night.

"Oi," Fred peeked his head in, "come on. Dads got the car running," he said.

"I'll be there in a minute," George nodded as Fred walked away.

George sighed and looked out into the scenery, then took a look down at the latest Daily Prophet issue on his lap, with my facee on the front cover titled,

"Famous Willow Abram Really A Murderer?"


Trent Vincent sat at the dinner table in his home, slowly poking at his food with his fork.

"Still bothered, huh?" His mother asked as she set a bowl of salad on the table.

Trent nodded.

"You know Trent, although I only met her once, I could tell she-"

"Really loved me? I know, mum you said that a thousand times already!" Trent snapped and quickly pushed his chair back and stood up.

"Honey," she stopped him by grabbing his wrist, "please sit?"

Trent sighed.

"I'll be back soon, mum," he opened the kitchen door and slammed it shut.


George raced down the stairs and before he could leave the house itself, he was pulled back.

"Just remember what I told you," Molly said.

"I know, mum," he smiled a bit.

She sighed and forced a smile.

"Good luck, Georgie...I know she'll be okay," Molly patted his shoulder and let him go.

Fred and Arthur had been in the car. Arthur honked the horn and yelled, "lets go, George! We don't have all day!"

George looked up at the pink an orange sky and grinned.

"Don't worry, I'm on my way, Wil..."

With that, he walked to the car, and slammed the door shut once he climbed in.


I was taken away...

No, not to Azkaban...

But to a far away home I lived in by myself with no contact to any humans for months passed...

I lived in this home until the curse was wand, so valuable and meaningful to me was destroyed in order to break the curse...

Once the curse was broken, I was sent to the Ministry of Magic for several jury trials and questioning sessions.

No one ever would have imagined I would be a..a murderer...but like I've said, I wasn't one completely..

Yes, sadly, I killed my best friend...but it was all an accident...I never intended to kill Hazel Evergreen.

It was all over the Wizarding World! My face had been on posters everywhere that read,

"Undesirable NO. 1
Willow Abram
If found please contact the Ministry of Magic
Reward 100,000 galleons on her head!"

I was now waiting in the dark and damp cold room in the basement of the ministry, until the doors opened.

"You ready, Abram?" The guards asked.

Chosen ~ A George Weasley Love Story (BOOK 2)Where stories live. Discover now