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"That explains why he was trying to be nice to you. So you would think he was nothing but nice,"

"But how do we explain the Elementile Curse?"

I pursed my lips. I remembered what was said about the necklace. It holds secrets...

"The curse must have been in the gold heart all along...not the crescent moon one..."

"But you didn't have it with you when you-"

"I did, actually..."

"Wow," Fred shook his head.

I bit my bottom lip in fury. "Held captivated in a damn home by myself for so many months and I didn't do a damn thing," I spat and threw the necklace on the table and walked upstairs.

"Dobby is terribly sorry to hear..." Dobby shyly spoke.

"It's alright, Dobby. You see, she doesn't mean to get that angry. She's expecting children anytime soon and well," George knelt down to explain.

"Oh, I understand, sir," Dobby nodded.

"Good," George chuckled and followed me.

I was lying down on a bed in a bedroom and staring at the chipped ceiling.

"That was really brilliant, you know," George sat down and gently placed his hand on my belly.

I nodded.

"You alright?"

"My stomach hurts like hell," I shut my eyes.

"Do you need me to-"

"Ow..." I sat up and held my belly.

"What? What is it?"

"Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit!" I cried.

Fred ran up.

"What's the matter?" He panicked.

I looked down and noticed a large wet spot in the blankets.

"My water broke..." I whispered in a shaky voice.

George looked to where I was looking and he widen his eyes.

"Fred go get me a pair of my sweatpants and a plain T-shirt. Now!" He yelled as Fred ran downstairs.

"It's gonna be okay, Wil. It's alright. We're gonna deliver these babies right now okay? They'll be out in no time," George reassured me as I cried and leaned back in pain.

Fred came back and George snatched the clothes and ran in the hall.

"You ready, Wil? We can do this I know you can. You're the bravest girl I've ever known and I know you can do childbirth," Fred said as George came back in already sweating.

"Okay okay, uh.. DOBBY!" He yelled.

"Yes, sir?" Dobby asked as he came in casually seconds later.

"Go find me a pair of scissors and some towels and a bucket of water and a sponge. Now!" George ordered as he pulled up an old wooden chair and set it in front of my legs.

"Fred hand me that blanket," George pointed to the folded up blanket on the arm chair. Fred grabbed the blanket and George threw it over my legs. George slipped his hands under the blanket and stripped off my pants.

"Dobby found the stuff," Dobby rushed in and Fred took the supplies.

"Dobby, I'm gonna need your help. I need you to help Fred clean off the babies once we cut the chords," George said as Dobby nodded and stood on top of the dresser.

"Merlin George, since when did you know how to deliver a baby?" Fred asked.

"I'll explain later," he said, "Okay Willow, I need you to push as hard as you can. Think of a...Fred," George said as he pointed to me who had a hand open for anyone. Fred rushed over and gripped it.

"I am not thinking of bloody Fred during a time like this!" I growled.

"Okay okay. Fred, once one comes out I need you to go by Dobby quickly, alright?" George asked as he wiped off the sweat bullets sliding down his face.

"Okay push, Wil," George said as he lifted the blanket up.

Dobby shut his eyes and plugged his ears and Fred's face contorted as I gripped his hand with all of my might. I cried at the horrendous pain that I felt coming out of me.

"I-I see the head! Keep going!" George grinned.

A few more minutes later, the cries of a child were heard. Fred raced over and George stood with the bloody child in his hands.

"Cut the chord, George! You're the father!" Fred yelled.

George nodded and couldn't help but smile as he quickly cut off the chord.

"Okay, okay," Fred said as he and Dobby used the water and sponge to clean off the baby gently and carefully.

"One more, Wil. Come on, love!" George said as I kept pushing.

"George! I can't!" 

"You can! You just brought in our child! Give us the other!" He said as I was pushing.

"George it hurts!" I cried.

"Keep going!" Fred encouraged.

"FRED PLEASE!" I growled.

"Just keep going Fred," George said.

"Wil! You're doing it! I see another head!" George said as the second twin was delivered.

Chosen ~ A George Weasley Love Story (BOOK 2)Where stories live. Discover now