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I went to my closet and pulled out a new dress I bought. Bill Weasley and Fleur were getting married tomorrow and I needed a special dress to wear for my belly. I grabbed the dress and a pair of shoes, walked downstairs and used the floo network to leave to the Weasley's.

"Who's there?" Ginny called.

"It's me," I said with short breaths as I waddled to the kitchen.

"Oh, Wil," Ginny took the dress and shoes and set them on the table.

"Here, sit," she pulled up a chair.


"So they left?"

I nodded.

"I know you wanted to go, but-"

"I know, I'm pregnant and Bellatrix is going to be there. Great," I rolled my eyes.


"What, Gin?"

"Why don't you just hide somewhere with George and Fred and the twins while all of this is happening? I mean, someone is bound to kill her and him when the battle happens,"

"Because, Ginny. Bellatrix is after me just like Voldemort is after Harry. Harry has to finish him off while I've gotta finish Bellatrix off,"

Ginny was silent.

"Oh, Willow dear, when did you get here?" Molly asked as she came downstairs.

"A few minutes ago,"

"Oh, well, just relax, dear,"

"I'm bloody furious at George right now!"

"Well don't be mad at him," Ginny said.

"Why shouldn't I? He just tells me this right before he's leaving and-"

"But it wasn't his choice to go! He was forced to!" Ginny argued back.

I stood up and walked upstairs.

"I'm sorry, I'm not feeling well," I said as I locked the bathroom door.

"She must be miserable," Molly sighed just as a blue light glowed from outside. Ginny and Molly ran out and found Hagrid and Harry walking forward.

"Harry, Hagrid, where are the others?" Molly asked.

"Lost track of 'em. Voldemort must've knew Harry was transferring tonight they were flyin' everywhere in the skies, Molly," Hagrid said.

One by one groups started to show.

"Ay! Help!" Remus called as Harry rushed over.

Harry, now turning back into George, couldn't walk. He was out of it. His ear was bloody and gone.

Ginny and Molly gasped and Molly said, "oh my boy," as she raced over to George who was lying on the couch covered in blood.

Next to appear was Hermione and Kingsley, then Tonks and Ron, then Bill and Fleur, and finally, Fred and Arthur.

"Where's George?" Arthur asked as Fred noticed the group crowded around George. Fred ran inside and kneeled next to George.

"How ya feeling, Georgie?" He asked.

"Saint like," he choked.

"Come again?"

"Saint like, I'm holey Fred, get it?" He grinned.

Fred chuckled.

"The whole world be related to humor, and you go for 'I'm holey'...s' pathetic,"

"Reckon I'm still better lookin' than you,"

Bill stepped forward.

"Mad eye's dead..."

Everyone exchanged glances.

"Mundunglus took one look at Voldemort and disapparated,"

"Say, where's Willow?" George asked with half open eyes.

"She's upstairs," Ginny said.

"Bring her here,"

Ginny went upstairs and knocked on the bathroom door.

"Wil? It's me."

"What do you want?"

"George's here. He wants to see you,"

I opened the door and Ginny helped me downstairs. Awkwardly, everyone stared at me when I appeared.

I nodded at everyone and then finally looked at George.

His mouth slightly opened and I walked to him and kneeled down with struggle.


"Hi, love," he slowly let his hand find the back of my head.

"W-what happened..?" I teared up.

"I'm uh..I'm holey," he said.

"George, stop," Fred shook his head.

"George who did this?"

"Bellatrix. But listen," he spoke, "I'm still here like I promised. That's all that matters right now for us..."

I bit my bottom lip and hid my face in his neck, no matter how much blood I'd get on my face.

"Reckon we get some sleep. Big day tomorrow," Arthur said as they agreed to go upstairs.

I mumbled.


"I said I love you," I said clearly now.

"I love you too," he smiled and kissed me weakly.

"Let me wash your face," 

"I think the one that needs a face wash is you," he chuckled.

"You first," I said as I went to the kitchen and got a towel wet and walked back. I gently wiped the dry blood off of his face and gently cleaned his missing ear spot.

"You know, you look...really sexy when you're pregnant," he grinned and placed his hand on my stomach.

"Thanks for the compliment, George," I sighed and focused on washing him up.

"Do you think we should hide?" George asked.

I stopped washing.

"Do you think we should? I mean, people keep telling us to...and if we don't we're only putting both of our lives in danger..."

I took several seconds to draw conclusions.

"Fine. Lets hide out for a few months. But by the time the twins turn older than six months, and the battle hasn't happened yet, I want to fight,"

"Alright," he sighed.

"Hey," he whispered and I looked down at him.

"Kiss me," he said as I smiled a bit and leaned down and kissed him.

Chosen ~ A George Weasley Love Story (BOOK 2)Where stories live. Discover now