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"What about dinner, Trent?" George asked as we walked down the pathway of the cemetery.

"Who said we aren't having it?" Trent asked as he pointed to a blanket set up by a tombstone. The blanket had a basket and candles and cups and food galore.

Fred and George smiled a bit, with a hint of sadness, but they walked quickly up the hill and sat down, above Hazel, rubbed her tombstone, and started talking.

"I'm sorry, Trent.." I spoke.

Trent looked down at me.

"Why are you sorry?"

I looked at him.

He sighed and pulled me in for a hug.

"Trent, I-I can't do this, I'm sorry,"

"Yes you can. If the three of us can, you most certainly can. What's wrong with visiting a friend? That's all we are doing is having dinner with her," he smiled a bit.

"I didn't want to say anything to Fred or George because I didn't want them worrying so much about me...just, deep down I still feel like the worst person in the world. I know I'm not, but I still will never forgive myself.."

Trent let go of the hug and placed his hands on my arms and bent over a bit to be eye to eye with mine.

"Listen to me, none of us are mad at you. No one. You know why? Because it was an accident. Hazel knows it was an accident. I'm sure she's up there right now with those two blokes laughing their arses off at you and I for being so down about it," he said, "Lets just head up there and spend time with her? Please? I haven't seen her in a while and I think we all need a laugh,"

I nodded and Trent gripped my arms and took my hand and we walked up the hill.

"Well well well," Fred said.

"Glad you could join us," George added.

"And you better keep your hands off of my girlfriend, Trent," George threw a piece of bread at Trent.

Everyone else laughed.

"Back at you," Trent threw the bread at George.

I took a glimpse at Hazel's stone.

Hazel Quinn Evergreen
October 22, 1980 - December 28, 1996
~Loved by many, loved many~' it read.


I looked at the three of them.

"Did you hear us?" Fred asked.

"No, sorry. What is it?" I asked as I took a bite out of a pot pie.

"We asked you what your opinion was,"


"The Irish and Bulgarians at last years match,"

"That was a year ago...why do you care?"

"Because it's Quidditch, that's why!" Trent snapped in a funny tone.

"Okay well, I still don't understand.."

"Hey guys lets not pick on her," Fred hushed the two, "Hazel agrees with Willow,"

"Point," George nodded.

I stood up and started to walk down the hill.

"Where are you going?" They called.

I ignored them with crossed arms and continued to walk, with a strong look of wordiness and thought drawn on my face. I couldn't do this...it was as if I was drowning in a pool of guilt and I had no one to take my hand and help me out of it.

"Hey," George caught up with me, "what are you doing?"

"Just going for a walk,"

He sighed.

"We aren't gonna go through this again, are we?" He asked.

I sighed and replied no.

"Then what's the matter? Here, sit down," he lead me to a bench.

"Just sitting up there...it's really nice and all, but.."

"It's kind of uncomfortable?"

I nodded.

He wrapped his arm around my shoulders.

"I know what you mean. It's not the most comfortable thing in the world but I'm trying to make the best of it. I honestly think this means a lot to Trent and well, I guess I'm just doing it for him because he was there for me when I didn't have you..."


"Oh yeah!"


"He was with you a lot? I know,"



"You didn't send him to spy on me and see what was going on in my life so you could be informed, did you?"

A look of guilt washed over his face.

"George!" I laughed.

"But yeah, he was there with me when you weren't there...so...I guess it's the proper thing to do now...be there for him cause Hazel isn't there with him now..."

I nodded. He was right. It was the proper thing to do to be there for Trent.

"But it's so hard.." I whispered.

"I know-"

"Just...just Fred saying like, 'well Hazel agrees with Willow'..I guess it was just...chilling,"

George nodded.

"I know. I kind of wish he didn't say that. I noticed Trent's expression change when he said that too,"

I closed my eyes and leaned my head back.

"You okay?"



I nodded.

"Lets just head back up there," he stood up, "you're probably hungry," we started walking with our fingers intertwined.

"Make out secession over?" Trent asked.

"Indeed," George sat down and helped himself to more food.

I had noticed a small vase of dandelions on the top of the basket. I took them out and placed them in front of Hazel's stone.

It was silent, but I could feel eyes on me.

"Willow," Trent spoke.

I didn't look over. Quite honestly, I don't even recall hearing Trent say my name.

"Willow, you've gotta let it go," Fred spoke seriously. That's the first time I've ever heard him speak in that tone of voice, and that tone grabbed my attention.

"The past is in the past. It's done. It's over with! Sure, we're just as sad as you are, but you've got to look what you've got right in front of you still! Us, Willow! Us! It almost hurts that you are blind enough to not see us," Fred spoke.

It was silent.

Until I looked over at them.

I looked away and continued to eat in silence.

Chosen ~ A George Weasley Love Story (BOOK 2)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora