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Fast forwarding into this tale, a lot has happened.

Before school started for everyone, everyone stayed at Sirius Black's house. The Order of the Phoenix was a special group that met and their job was to protect those from Voldemort and Bellatrix. Harry and I were the main people to protect in this generation of the order. Like everyone else, Trent and I had joined the order.

At school, a new professor had arrived. Her name was professor Umbridge. She was a perky and annoying lady who worked for Fudge. She wore pink religiously and her voice was squeaky and cringing. It made everyone run. The months at Hogwarts with her have been nothing but torture. For one thing, she didn't believe Harry when he said he met Voldemort at the graveyard during the last event of the Triwizard Tournament. For a second thing, she had a....method....she used to get students to spill their secrets or how she makes them serve detentions.

"Don't worry," George said to me in front of the Dark Arts classroom one winter evening, "you'll be okay. I'll be right here when you get out, alright?"

I nodded and walked into my first detention.

I walked and knocked on Umbridge's office door.

"Come in," Umbridge spoke lightly as I entered the pink room.

"Ah, Miss. Abram. Sit," she eyed a desk in front of her desk.

I sat.

"Now, you'll be writing lines for me, Miss. Abram," she said as she placed parchment, ink, and a dark red quill in front of my hands.

"Now, I want you to write, 'I must not disobey," she said.

"How many times?"

"As long as it takes for the message to sink in," she said.

After three lines, I felt a stinging sensation on my hand. I observed my hand and noticed a red rash appearing. I shook it off and continued to write as Umbridge took a sip from her sugary tea. More writing was done, and the same words on the paper appeared as cuts on my hand. I widen my eyes and stared horrified at my bleeding hand.

"Something wrong?" Umbridge asked.

I slowly looked up at her.

"That's what I thought," Umbridge smiled.

After the detention was over, I raced down the steps and burst out the Dark Arts room door, where George was sitting like he said he would. I threw myself to him and he held me back.

"What's wrong?" Concern splashed on his face.

"Look what she did to me," I hissed as I showed him my hand.

George held my hand gently to examine it and he widen his eyes.

"What kind of...punishment is that?" He hissed back.

"We need to tell Dumbledore," George shook his head.

"No, George,"


"Because...because she will know,"


"Lets just go back to the common room. I'm exhausted,"

So the school year, or shall we say, the very long and hard school year passed by, and all that was left were final exams and graduation for seventh years.
For final exams for students in the Great Hall, Fred and George made an appearance. Well, more like a show. Umbridge was sitting and watching the students take their tests, when noises were heard outside of the hall. Umbridge got up and took a look outside, when a small firework flew in the hall and exploded, brining smiles and grins to the students. Minutes later, Fred and George flew in on their brooms and let fireworks off everywhere. The students clapped and cheered and the twins' dragon designed firework chased Umbridge out of the hall. Papers were flying and everyone was cheering as they all ran out to the courtyard and watched Fred and George fly away. Trent and I watched them as well.

It was the last day of the year and graduation was being held in the Great Hall. All seventh years wore their black robes and graduation hats with the Hogwarts symbol sewn in on both clothing pieces. Trent and I took our places in the front of the hall and waited.

"This is it, mates," Lee sat next to Trent.

"Yep," Trent nodded.

I should be happy, but I wasn't. I was going to miss this place. But I had to look forward to other things in life.

Once everyone was seated, Dumbledore stood and started to speak.

"It is absolutely astonishing to me, how quick dear old time can fly by. It was like just yesterday, I saw all of your bright smiling faces enter this hall for your sorting. Now? Now you all are here today to be acknowledged for your learning experiences here these past seven years. With all of the danger and unfortunate events that have occurred throughout the years, you still managed your way through.
As part of the staff of Hogwarts, I must say that we are all proud of your accomplishments. It gives us great pleasure to know that you all are now moving on to become full grown up experienced wizards and witches.
When I call your name, please step forward to receive your diploma and please take your seat again.
I'd like to start with one particular individual I'd like to recognize. She has had a life very much similar to Harry Potter," Dumbledore spoke as Trent nudged my arm, "I don't recall meeting a girl braver and more loyal then whom I'm speaking about. She has been down dangerous paths and has faced and encountered many many hardships throughout her years here. If you all would please help me congratulate and acknowledge Miss. Willow Abram," Dumbledore said as the room ruptured into cheers and applause.

I stood up shyly, but grinning, as I walked forward to Dumbledore.

"Do you have anything you'd like to say?" Dumbledore asked.

I bit my lip and took a deep breath and faced everyone.

"Wether it's my friends or fellow classmates who did all they could to help me these years, I thank all of those who were on my side these years. You all may think that being the chosen one must be brilliant, but it's not. It's....yeah," I paused and took another deep breath, "as you all may know, I lost a dear friend of mine. Some of you, or most of you, are familiar with Hazel Evergreen. She loved all and wouldn't dare start a fight with anyone. She did anything she could to help anyone, especially myself...but you know what? The passing of Hazel just now made me realize something...although the people we love may not be physically with us in front of our eyes, but they're always in here," I pointed to my heart, "I'll never lose Hazel and her protectiveness is always going to be with me...and I think...I think that's the way we should view these years we've had. Although they've passed, they're still in here, and we will never forget them..." I spoke and it was silent.

The crowed stood up and cheered as a smile spread across my face.

Dumbledore handed me my diploma, shook my hand, and then shook hands with McGonagall and headed back to my seat where Trent and Lee hugged me like Fred and George would have.

Everyone was called up, received their diploma, and once everyone was seated, Dumbledore spoke,

"Congratulations to all of you! You are now officially graduates of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry!"

Everyone stood and threw their hats up in the air and cheered and clapped.

They all ran outside to the entrance courtyard and happily socialized and congratulated everyone.

Trent, Lee, and I ran out and stood in front of the bridge and faced the sunny sky.

Trent and Lee were in the middle of hollering out their excitement when I had a thought.

"Hey Trent," I said as he looked at me with a grin.

"Hazel told me to tell you to stop screaming," I smiled.

He laughed.

"Well you can tell Hazel that she can just make new friends if she doesn't like how I'm screaming,"

"She said she already has new friends,"

"Oh I get it! I get it, Haze, real clever!"

We laughed it off now. We didn't cry or frown.

We smiled and laughed...

Chosen ~ A George Weasley Love Story (BOOK 2)Where stories live. Discover now