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"Hmph?" I slowly opened my eyes and stretched as the sun shined in my face.

"What?" I asked George who was standing above me.

"Got a letter," he said.

"From who?" I sat up and stretched once more.

"Trent," he said as he held the folded up letter out to me.

I looked at him with a frown and took it.

"It's not what you're thinking it is," he sat on the bed.

I unfolded it and read,

'Hey mates,
Sorry you couldn't hear from me earlier this vacation. Things here have been bloody miserable for me, but with all honesty, I've lightened up a bit and am slowly started to calm my emotions.
Willow, if you're reading this, I'd like to speak to you a bit more the next time we reunite, but for now I'd like to say that you're the last person I'm mad at right now. I know that doesn't make much sense, but I'll explain another time.
Anyways, I would like to see you all sometime soon before vacation ends? Write back and hopefully we can make dinner arrangements?

Your mate,

P.S. I hope all is good with George and Willow...if not then I'm gonna have to ask Haze to get involved...then you both know you're screwed.'

I chuckled at the last sentence.

"You want to?" George asked.

"What?" Fred's voice randomly asked from behind.

George turned around.

"What the bloody hell are you talking about?" Fred asked with furrowed eyebrows.

"What's your issue?" George stood.

"I heard you!"


"Don't play mental with me...asking Willow, 'do you want to?' do you know that mum is going to-"

"You bloke, it has nothing to do with that!"

"Then what is it?"

"A letter from Trent, idiot," George snatched the letter from me and shoved it in Fred's face.

"Read it," George nodded and crossed his arms.

After a minute passed, Fred looked up.

"Now you know why I asked her 'do you want to'?" George rolled his eyes.

"Sorry," Fred blushed.

"Look," I got up and stood in between them, "I have no problem going to meet Trent for dinner. If you're up to it, I most certainly am,"

Fred and George looked at each other and nodded in agreement.

"Well, alright then," Fred shrugged and raised his eyebrows.

"I'll write to Trent now and ask him what the arrangements are," George left the room.

"Oh George," I called.


"Where are my clothes n' stuff?"

"Sorry I forgot to tell you they're in Gin's room,"

After returning back with my bad from Ginny's room, I sighed and looked around. For some reason I felt like it was...well...I felt like it was moving day for me. Like, I was moving into a new place. I smiled a bit at the thought and reached into my pocket and walked out to the balcony. I pulled out the gold heart necklace I had all this time. I examined and studied the heart as I sat on the chair. I remembered what was said to me...that it held secrets. But what secrets, I thought.

Chosen ~ A George Weasley Love Story (BOOK 2)Where stories live. Discover now