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"How much longer?" Fred wined.

"Calm down, Freddie boy, the tent isn't far from here," George said as we searched for a tent that the twins set up earlier for our camping trip.

"Well we all know one things for sure," Trent said.


"Hazel isn't here....can't stand the bugs,"

"I found it!" I pointed to a bright orange tent set up in an open area. We all rushed to the small tent.

"Uh..." Lee stared at the size.

"Fred? George?" Trent asked.


"Did you ever consider like, a tent that's...oh I don't know...big enough for all five of us?"

"Just go in, you arse!" Fred shoved Trent in.

We all followed him in and gasped.

"It's like the tent we stayed in for the World Cup last year," George said as he plopped his bag down on the sofa.

"Well it's dark out, who wants to help me start the fire? I need my roasted muggle sweets," Fred said.

"You mean roasted marshmallows? Also known as s'mores?" I chuckled.

"Yeah that," Fred grinned.

"I'll help you," Lee offered as they went outside.

"How'd you know that?" George asked.

"My aunt and uncle taught me to make s'mores for my cousin and her friends a few times,"

"So now what do we all do?" Trent asked.

"What do you mean?" George asked.

"I mean, after this trip...where do we go from there?"

"Well...I mean, Fred and I started putting our joke products in our own shop...a-and I may or may not have bought a house-"

My face twitched.

George smirked and grinned.

"Surprise..!" He guiltily said with a chuckle.

"George!" I gasped, throwing myself in his arms, "Oh Merlin, George! You bought a house!"

"Where did you buy it, mate?" Trent asked.

"A really nice and calm neighborhood in the muggle world. It's brilliant I already said hello to a few of our neighbors," George said.

"Oh, George..!" I kissed him.

Boy, was that a smack on the lips for him.

"Oi! Come on out!" Lee called as we headed outside.

"Fred! Lee! George bought a house! A house!" I jumped excitedly.

"We know, we know," they laughed.

"I'm living there too," Fred said.

"What?" My eyes nearly popped out of their sockets.

"Yeah" he smiled and nodded.


"Here lets sit," George said as we sat on logs.

"Do you have the mugglemellows?" Fred asked.

"Yeah, hang on," George got up and went in the tent.

They all exchanged looks with each other.

"What?" I asked.

"Here we are," George threw the bag at Fred.

"Now how do we do this?" Fred asked.

"Okay, you take one out, put it on a stick, and hold it over the fire until they turn a golden color on the sides. Then you put it on a cracker, put chocolate on top, and put another cracker on a sandwich," I said, "here watch," I said as I stole a marshmallow and once it turned golden enough, I followed the routine and took a bite from the s'more.

"See?" I spoke with a mouth full.

They all copied my steps and started to eat.

"Bloody hell!" Fred spoke with a mouthful.


"These are brilliant!"

We laughed and George stood up.

"Hey um, I have something I wanna do," he said as they all smirked.

George took a deep breath and got on one knee and faced me.

Was this really happening?

Especially while I had a mouth full of sticky sweets?

"Hi," he chuckled and grinned.

I raised my eyebrows and grinned.

"Hi," I laughed.

"Well, Willow, you know I love you with all my heart, right?"

I nodded slowly.

"I um, I know we've had our moments. I know that we broke up once too. But even though we have our moments and our little stupid disputes, that still brings us closer believe it or not. Knowing you all these years really changed my character. Before I knew you, even if I was only ten years old, I still was this immature and careless kid. After meeting you I became a more mature guy who actually cares for a lot now and I must say I am more responsible than I ever thought I'd be...yes, it could just be part of growing up, but I say different. I believe you had this great affect on me. Without you, Fred and I probably wouldn't be opening our new shop. I would probably have to stay held back at school too. My point is that you changed my world for the better. I love much, Willow. And I have loved you since day one on the train when we were playing wizards chess," he grinned and I chuckled and wiped away my happy tears, "what I'm trying to say, is that you make me happiest and I always look forward to seeing you after we've been apart. I hope you will say yes to my question, because I don't know where I'd go or what I'd do without you, my beautiful, strong, and brave girl...Willow Abram, my question is..." He said as he pulled out a red velvet box and opened it, "will you be my bride so we can move into that new house as a married couple?" He asked as a big diamond ring sparkled in front of my eyes...

Chosen ~ A George Weasley Love Story (BOOK 2)Where stories live. Discover now