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"Well it sure is nice to know that you were a Gryffindor like us," I said as I sat down on the armchair and spoke to Daisy, who was sitting on the couch with Fred.

"So you had nothing to do with them?" George asked.

"No. I saw them all fighting and started to panic. I even put up a silencing charm so they wouldn't be found or heard.." Daisy admitted.

"How old are you, Daisy?" I asked.

"I'm eighteen,"

"Wait, shouldn't you be at Hogwarts then?" George asked.

"Well no..see, I actually graduated with you. Technically I graduated with Willow because you both flew off in that brilliant production of yours," she grinned as the boys smirked.

"Wait, you're eighteen now. That means you were seventeen when you graduated, how does that work?" I asked.

"My birthday is in November. So this year I will be nineteen but last year I was seventeen at the end of May, you see?"

"Let me ask you, who was-"

"Sshh!" George shushed.

"George!" I snipped.

He held his finger up to his lips and widen his eyes.
George looked at Fred and gestured him to follow him with their wands out.

Daisy and I looked at each other with worried expressions.

I got up slowly and picked up Felix and held him close to my chest. Daisy did the same with Forrest.

Screams were heard and lights were glowing from the top of the stairs.

Daisy and I gasped and we covered the babies ears as we were horrified for the twins upstairs. George came running down.

"Come on," he said as he picked up the emergency baby supply bag and linked arms with me.

"Where's Fred?" Daisy asked as Fred came running down with a final blast to whom ever is up those stairs.

"Come on come on come on," he said as we linked arms and disapparated.

We were suddenly standing in the middle of the woods. The babies started to cry and Fred and George put up silencing charms around them. Daisy got sick and George quickly took over Forrest as she hid behind trees and bushes.

"Why are we in the middle of the woods?" I hissed as George tried to calm me down.

"Good thing I brought the baby bag. That's one thing," he said with his hands on my arms, "another thing, if you would turn around, maybe things would be different," he said as he spun me around and I saw the camping tent.

"Oh," I let go a breath of relief, "oh thank God...okay come on," I said as George and I walked up to the tent. We opened the door and a bolt of red was shot at us but missed. George and I gasped and ducked but then stood up again.

"Lee!" I barked.

"Sorry, thought we had intruders.."

I stared at him furiously then changed my expression and grinned, "Lee!" I immediately jogged to greet him with a loving hug.

"So uh...who are they?" Lee smirked and pointed to Forrest and Felix.

"Oh! Lee, these are George and I's boys. This is Forrest and that's Felix,"

"Y-you had-Oi! Trent!" Lee called with excitement as Trent came out from the bathroom.

"Oh, oh my god. Wait until you see what..." He noticed George and I, "hey you guys!" He grinned and rushed over with glee.

Chosen ~ A George Weasley Love Story (BOOK 2)Where stories live. Discover now