Chapter 24

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The Monokuma announcement played at the same time as usual. You stirred from your sleep and rubbed your eyes gently, sitting up and yawning in the process. You completed your usual morning routine, realising that you were probably going to be the last to the restaurant. For that reason, you hastily left your cottage and ventured towards the daily meeting place.

You didn't meet anybody, so you were conscious of the fact that everyone most likely got to the restaurant before you did. Once you were inside, the room was extremely serene, and there was no tension filling the room like there had been for the past few days. It was truly refreshing, and brought a small smile to your soft lips.

"As the day ended halfway yesterday, let us try to put together information about the new island, shall we?" Sonia suggested with an innocent grin on her pale face.

"That sounds like a good idea," Hajime nodded. Hiyoko huffed and crossed her arms.

"In the end, we couldn't even find a way to escape, right? If we couldn't find that, then it's all useless," she groaned.

"But but but! There's a music venue!" Ibuki cheered, jumping up and down.

"Sure, but... What about the clues we really need? Like... information of the island, or anything that might help us understand what's happening?" Nekomaru pondered, glancing around.

"Ah, now that you mention it, I found a clue within one of those laptops in the electronic avenue," Nagito input, jogging your mind as well.

"I saw that too," you mentioned.

"As did I. It was about the fact that Hope's Peak Academy has already been destroyed," Gundham said seriously.

"E-Ehhhhh?! Hope's Peak Academy? Destroyed?!" Ibuki squawked.

"Most likely just another one of Monokuma's pranks, though. There's no way Hope's Peak Academy would fall!" Nagito dismissed. "Although... even if it was a prank, that's inexcusable. You shouldn't even joke about a symbol of hope being destroyed! If you doubt us though, then you should probably just check it out yourself."

"So basically, we did not find any possible escape nor useful clue on this newfound island..." Gundham muttered behind his scarf, looking out of the window longingly.

"However, it is not all 'doom and gloom', as the phrase goes! Fuyuhiko will be able to return to us now!" Sonia reminded optimistically.

"Yeah, you're right. He pisses me the hell off, but it sure makes me happy to know that he's gonna come back to us!" Kazuichi admitted cheerfully.

"I-I'm pretty sure he can be discharged from the hospital in one week...! He is recovering r-really well!" Mikan assured, tears of contrasting emotions welling in her eyes. "However... he has most likely lost the use of his right eye... permanently."

Hiyoko scoffed. "He totally deserves it."

"Hiyoko... don't you think that's going a little far?" Hajime questioned nervously.

A long, loud belch interrupted Hiyoko's response. Akane patted her chest with her fist with a grin on her face.

"Phew, I'm stuffed! I'm going to go and train now," she informed, raising questions from Nekomaru, who could have sworn that she hated training. Her reasoning was that she won't get stronger if she never trains, so she would start now. With that, she cheerfully waved you all goodbye in a hurry.

"She seems... pumped up," Hajime said, earning a nod from you.

"I hope she's not thinking about doing anything bad..." Nekomaru grumbled.

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