The New Human

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(Izaya's POV)

        "Hmm I wonder what I want for lunch today." I thought to myself as I stood up from the park Bench I was sitting on. All of a sudden I saw someone running like their life depended on it. She was a girl, she had blond hair and was wearing camouflage army pants along with black army boots and a tank top. All of a sudden Shizuo ran around the corner surprising me. "What the hell is going on?" I said to myself as I went and started running with the girl.
She shouted as she ran even faster trying they away from me and Shizuo. But I just sped up a little bit to catch up to her. "Why are you getting chased by Shizu-chan?" I asked as I grabbed her tank top and stopped her. "Dude let me go I need to get away from someone here!" She said as she tried to get away from me but I kept my grip."look if you want to get away from Shizuo I know what to do you just have to follow me." I said sing song like as Shizuo ran around the corner. "Sorry but I think I know how to get away." She said as she grabbed my hand and started to run so fast that I was getting dragged almost. We crossed a couple streets and took a few corners and we lost him within 10  minutes.

        "So what's your name?" She asked as she pulled out a candy bar and started to walk. "Oh, I'm sorry how rude of me, my name is" I thought for a second to whether or not I should tell her my name. "is Izaya Orihara." I decided to tell her my real name. She took a bite of the candy bar and smiled. "My name is levi Hewajima!" She said joyfully. But then I noticed something. "Are you related to Shizu-chan?" I asked as I grinned, I could have some real fun. "Yea I am related to him, but I like to piss him off its fun. Oh, you seem like a fast person... try pissing him off." She said as she stopped to tie her boots. When she looked away I started to walk back to my place. I ran back to my apartment to look at her information and past. "This is going to be fun!" I said out loud to myself as I got on my laptop and started to search.

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