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(Levi POV)

I sat in my room staring at my ceiling. Although I couldn't see a thing I just kept staring, trying to get a clue on what I was doing. I didn't feel good... At all. I felt like... Well... Like I just drank five energy drinks at once. I fell jittery and weird and tingly... Yet... My stomach hurt and I kept coughing. Finally... I felt it... It came up in my throat. I jumped off of my bed and ran to the bathroom. I got to the door.... Then... BAM! Puke EVERYWHERE! it was a giant puddle on the floor. Shizuo came out and looked at me, then the puke. He looked surprised and then he looked grossed out, cuz I had made it to the toilet and I was practically dying from not breathing.

I kept puking all night, it never stopped. I wanted to go to school but Shizuo wouldn't let me. Shizuo had been sick the day before but, he didn't puke. He didn't cough. I sat in bed just staring at the ceiling all day. The puking never stopped. It just kept going and going. The suffering was never ending. "Oh God please! Why me! What did I ever do to deserve such treatment! Why me God!" I yelled as I puked into the toilet, choking and sufficating myself. Shizuo got home to see me crying and puking in the toilet. Still...

I felt like dying. The suffering was nonstop. I just wanted it to end! It was worse than when I hugged Izaya! That was so embarrassing! But this... This was TRUE pain! Oh how I hated puking! I HATE puking. It's so painful! Again I cursed at the non existent good in non existent heaven for making me puke.

Shizuo left for an hour or so and came back, but he had other people with him it sounded like. I locked the door and puked in the bathroom. I knew it was Izaya and Karushu. Karushu was probably still mad because I had pushed her and ran away, but I didn't really care. I just wanted to stop puking. As I puked I heard a knock on the door and Shizuo try to open it. "Open the door Levi. I got Karushu and Izaya." 'No!" I said, in fear that if Izaya saw me he'd make fun of me. So I just went to sleep trying not to worry about it.

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