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(Levi POV)

        As I woke up I could feel Hannibal shift at the end of my bed. The end of the bed was wet and next to my face I smelled puke. I opened my eyes and... BAM! There was puke next to my face and the dog was wet somehow. I did feel better however. I got up slowly, avoiding the puke covered spots in the sheet. I got the sheet off the bed along with everything else.

          Luckily nothing else was puked on so I just threw the sheet away and replaced it with another one. I made my bed and put all my stuffed animals at the end of the bed. Now I needed to solve why Hannibal was wet. I went out into the living room and no one was there. I looked at the stove clock and it was 9:00. School had already started and no one woke me up. And I could see that Hannibal had knocked over his water bowl which was why he was wet.

       I stayed silent got dressed and ran outside, locking the door in the process and bringing Hannibal with me. Hannibal barked as I tripped and almost fell. Catching myself, I kept going until I got to school and entered the building. I got a late note from the office and turned it in to the teacher. Sitting down, I could see Izaya stare at me like I was crazy.

       "Ok class open you text books to page 34, we'll be studying cells. " The teacher said as we all flipped our pages. But... I didn't have my book. Since Izaya was sitting next to me I looked on to his book. He took notice and smiled. "Forgot your book?" He asked. " Maybe." I whispered. "Look on with me before he notices." He whispered as he pushed the book in between us. We read about cells and how they were discovered. All the while I was blushing like mad because if I wanted to look on with Izaya I had to squish up next to him.

      After that class was lunch. "Hey Levi! So your feeling better I see!" Izaya said as he ran up beside me. "Did you hear that it's almost the end of the school year! And that we'll be GRADUATING!" He said as he threw one fist in the air excitedly. "Oh. I didn't know that." I said quietly as we made our way to the roof.

          "Hey Levi!" Karushu said as she came up to me. She pet Hannibal and then sat beside Izaya. "So your feeling better!" She said. "Yeah." I said as I took a bite of food. That day I had school lunch since I didn't get to pack mine. It tasted like shit. "Why are you eating that shit!" Shizuo said as he came over and sat down next to me. "And why are you sitting with the flee...." He said grinding his teeth. "Calm your shit." I said as I fling some food in his face. " WHAT THE HELL!" He yelled wiping off his face.  "Lol." I said putting the food in the trash.

         "Hey Levi. Can I talk to you in private please?" Izaya said as he pulled me away from the group. "What's up?" I asked. He took a deep breath in and a deep breath out, like he was getting ready for something. "D-do you wanna.... Maybe... Come to... The last dance with me." He asked. I didn't know what he meant but I was in because I got to be with him. "Ok." I said. As I said this I made a realization face as I realized.... He meant the last school dance.

        "YEP SURE ILL GO!" I said trying not to make it obvious that I was gonna cry/laugh out of happiness.

      After school I went home fed Hannibal and flew to my bed. I hugged my pillow and screamed into it. "OMG OMG OMG! IZAYA ASKED ME OUT!" I screamed, muffling it the best I could cuz Shizuo and Karushu were in the next room. I didn't know what they were doing but eh. Whatever... Who cares.

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