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(Levi POV)

"SHIZUOOOOOO! WHERE DID HANNIBAL GO YOU RAT!" I yelled as I pushed my brother against the wall, I was panicking because Hannibal was missing and Shizuo was laughing at me. "He's in my room Jesus..." He said as I barged into his bedroom, sure enough Hannibal had peed on his carpet and was taking a shit now.

"You have to clean that up..." I said flatly as I picked him up after he was done. "Good boy!" I said as I walked into the kitchen. It was first thing in the morning, it was raining, and it was a school day.

It was the first day I would be bringing my puppy service dog in training, he wasn't energetic or anything like that. Infact, he was made for being a service dog I knew this because, he was so relaxed and he didn't go near people who he didn't know, all he did was sit there. He was just like Patch as a puppy.

As I went out the door I looked at the time. It was 7:00 I had 30 minutes to get to school. "HEY LEVI I HAVEN'T SEEN YOU IN SO LONG!" It was me and Shizuo's friend Shinra. He was a doctor in training. "Hey where's Patch?" He asked as I turned around and smacked him. "Don't EVER say his name again!" I said as he made a face that showed he realized what happened.

"I'm so sorry Levi! Patch was such a good dog!" He said. "It's fine... Don't tell Shizuo... But I'm gonna skip school today, bye Shinra!" I said as I winked at him and ran the other direction away from school... And to Izaya's apartment.

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