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   (Levi POV)

         As I was walking down the street I seemed like a crazy person, I was holding Mr Patch. "Why can't you walk?" I asked him as he looked down at the ground and then back up at me. He had stepped on a piece of gum, and now he wouldn't let me put him down. "Your quite the proper dog aren't you!" I said to him as I went into a building, I was going to see Izaya in his apartment.

    After what seemed like forever going up those stairs I finally got to his door and knocked. "Hello?" He said opening the door. "Hey Izaya I was wondering if you wanted to come to Russia sushi with me..." I asked nervously, I wasn't even trying to be like that, for some reason I just couldn't control it. "Yeah sure!" He said as he gave me a smile and went back inside to get dressed.

      "Hey Izaya... I just realized, I'm gonna have to bring patch back home, do you wanna come with me!" I said nervously as I scratched the back of my head. "Um.... Sure why not..." He said going out of the apartment and locking the door.

      Once we got to my house we both went inside, I took off his harness and leash. "Now I'm gonna go to a restaurant with Izaya, ok be good for Shizuo!" I said as I went into my room to get something. "Wow this is a nice room..." Izaya said as he leaned against the door frame.

      Suddenly I saw a flash of black white and blond tackle Izaya. "WHY ARE YOU IN MY SISTER'S ROOM FLEA!" Shizuo shouted as he got ready to punch Izaya. "DONT RUIN HIS CUTE FACE!" I yelled as I ripped Shizuo off of him, then the realization hit me... I just called Izaya cute.... "AHHHH!" I screamed as I started to run in circles. "WHAT HAVE I DONEEEE!" I yelled as I ran into something solid like a wall. "You brought my brother here..." Karushu said as she crossed her arms. "I WAS JUST BRINGING PATCH BACK HOME!" I said as I looked at Patch then back at her.

      "You just called my brother cute..." She said lifting me up by the collar. She slapped me... Then it all went down hill from there. I blacked out.

(Shizuo POV)
        "KARUSHU WHAT DID YOU JUST DO!! NEVER EVER DO THAT TO MY SISTER OR ELSE SHE'LL-" I was cut off by the sound of my sister screaming. "BECAUSE OF THAT!" I yelled. Suddenly Izaya did the unthinkable.... He hugged my sister making her stop on point. But then she started screaming again but kicking and punching Izaya this time. "GET OFF ME!" She yelled as she crawled over to patch and cuddled him, rocking back and forth.


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