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(Izaya POV)

       It has been at least three hours since I have gotten back to my apartment.... and I still have very little information on Levi Hewajima. "What are you hiding Levi?" I asked myself this question many times but still haven't gotten an answer. Tomorrow is Monday and well... I've never seen that girl at school, so I decided that I would look for her at school and maybe try to talk a bit with her.

  (Levy POV)

           "SHIZUO C'MON IM SORRY MAN!!" I said for at least the 100th time. "Look I know but... Really, I mean c'mon you know I have a temper." He said as he lit a cigarette. "Get that filthy thing out of your mouth!" I said as I swatted it out of his hand. "WHAT THE HELL LEVI!!" He shouted. "Hey, you know I don't approve of that bro." I said as reached in my pocket for a lollipop. "Hey wanna go to Simon's?" He asked me as I popped the lollipop in my mouth.

         "Sure man, let's go." I said as I started to walk but got stopped. "Hey Shizu-chan... I SEE YOUR GIRLFRIEND HAHA!!"I said as I saw Karushu across the street... Izaya's sister. Immediately after I said that I knew Karushu heard me, so I made a run for it as fast as I could. As cars and vending machines came flying at me I ran home. I walked inside and right then and there my dog came and tackled me to the ground. "Haha good boy! Yeah who's my good boy you are! Yes you are!!"  I said as I baby talked him.

          My dogs name is Mr Patch he's a Great Mastiff. I fed him, watered him, and sat down on the couch waiting for him to get done so we could watch a movie. Oh there is one bit I forgot to tell you about Patch um... He's my service Dog. Yeah I need a service Dog Because I'm known to have PTSD and sometimes it happens in public... Sometimes meaning... Well at least 10 times every month.

        As I started to think about it I remembered that tomorrow was Monday and that I would get in trouble again if I didn't bring Mr Patch to school. "Aw c'mon!" I said out loud as Patch came in the room a laid down next to me. "Hey Mr Patch... Do you mind if I bring you to school tomorrow?" I asked him. As I said that sentence he grunted. "I know you don't want to cause they all want to pet you but you know we gotta work this out man!" I said as I pet his head.

       I said this because every time I bring him to school all of the others come over and want to pet him. Everyone wants to be my friend just to pet him. But lately I haven't been bringing him to school. Meaning I've been leaving him home for the past two weeks and have got in trouble every day for it. Mr Patch grunted again and scooted forward into my lap. "C'mon Mr Patch you know I'll get in trouble if I don't bring you!" I said. After I said that he licked my face meaning that he was agreeing to go. "Good boy! Now we have to go to bed ok! Good night baby sleep tight!" I said to lazy to get off the couch and just falling asleep with him in my lap.

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