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(Levi POV)

As I woke up, Karushu off all people was hugging me tightly. "GET AWAY!" I yelled, still kinda shocked from the flashback. "It's ok!" She said hugging me tighter.

After all that drama was over I went back home and I got me spray paint. "Retards can't draw huh.... Well.... What about painting..." I said aloud as Shizuo grabbed my wrist. "Where are you going?" He asked. "For a walk, I'm leaving Hannibal here so watch him please." I said pulling away and walking out the door before he said anything else. When I got to the school I went all out... I spray painted the INSIDE of the school instead of the outside. First I went to the popular girls locker space and painted above that.

What I painted was a dog. It was a drawing of patch. But instead of him having his regular colors I put the picture with him having tons of colors, and I did all of this above the popular girls locker, the one that tore my drawings up. (The image above is what she painted.)

When I got back home I walked through the door and imediatly knew something was wrong. I knew this because, Hannibal didn't bark, and he wasnt near the door waiting. "HANNIBAL C'MER BOY!" I called for him but he still didn't come. "Shizuo!" I yelled. Still no answer. Suddenly Kaske came out of his room. "They went for a walk..." He stated. "Oh ok..." I said as i sat on the couch. "Hey Kaske... Do you think I'm retarded..." I asked. "No." He stated. "People should not call you that, you are very smart, infact I've seen you do things smart people would find hard, you are practically a genius. Do not put yourself down please." He stated going back into his room. ".....ok..." I said thinking about what happened today and everything that I want to draw.

( The next day)
(Levi POV)

When I woke up I had a blanket on me and Hannibal was next to me. I looked at the time and imediatly got up. "IM LATE! ILL NEVER MAKE IT!" I yelled as I grabbed Hannibal, got dressed. I didn't even brush my hair as I went out the door, running to school as fast as I could. When I got there everybody was crowded around my art mural I did above the popular girl's locker. I walked to my locker and opened it.

My locker had pictures of Izaya, Karushu, Kaske, and Shizuo in it. I also had a few of patch. Mostly this had pictures of Izaya. "Hey retard what are you doing?" The popular girls asked walking up to me. "Look Dian I don't want any trouble now go!" I said. That's when I realized.... I had left Hannibal at home... Good thing I locked the doors. "Hey where's your service dog retard?" She asked pushing me up against the locker.

".......why do you call me a retard....?" I asked looking her dead in the eye. "Because, you need a stupid dog to go everywhere with you!" She said as she laughed. "Well... At least dogs are more trust worthy than your one nights stand bubble gum ass..." I said as she stood there shocked. I was about to walk away when all of a sudden I got kicked to the ground.

"RETARD! YOUR SO STUPID IT FUNNY TO THINK THAT YOU JUST SAID THAT TO ME! NOW BE THE RETARD YOU ARE AND DROOL ON THE FLOOR!" She said kicking me over and over again all over my body. After a couple minutes of kicking me she flipped me on my back and picked me up by the collar of my shirt. "Now... Say your a retard and I'll let you go..." She said. "Your a retard..." I said smirking as she threw me on the ground and shoved her foot into my stomach.

"WHOS THE RETARD!?" She asked again. Now people were gathering around, I felt like it was going to be yesterday all over again. "WHOS THE RETARD!" I shouted. "You smartass..." She said as she picked me up by my hair and dragged me to the bathroom. Every girl who wanted to watch followed her into the bathroom, watching her as she stuck my head in a toilet. She then laughed and flushed.

She pulled me out as smashed my face on the sink still not knocking me out. "BITCH PLEASE IS THAT ALL YOUVE GOT!" I yelled. Honestly.... It literally made me in pain to say that. I couldn't handle another hit in the head from this crazy bitch so instead I tried a new approach... I ran out of the bathroom. "RETARD!" She yelled as she grabbed my hair again and pulled me back in. "Your gonna pay..." She said as she smashed my head into a mirror. Finally a teacher came in and grabbed her throwing HER on the ground and cutting her hair with a pair of scissors.

She then came over to me and helped me up. "It's ok, I'll bring you to the nurses...." She said quietly. "And wheres that service dog of yours...?" She asked as she chuckled a bit. "At hommmme..." I said slurring my words a bit. "wow she beat you good ..." She said as we entered the office and I blacked out.

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