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(Levi POV)

        I woke up cuddling with Patch, Izaya was sitting on my left and Shizuo on my right. I jolted up, put patches leash on and ran out the door. What had just happened I couldn't believe, I had just had a freak out in front of Izaya and Karushu! "MY FUCKING SHIT IS LOST I CANT FIND IT!" I screamed, sounding like a crazy person.

         As I screamed that I looked down at patch and picked him up. "Your all I have boy... Never leave me..." I said as I started to walk with him in my arms. I had never accepted that patch is gonna die one day and I didn't want to either.

          Suddenly I had a vending machine come right at me.... And hit me, with patch still in my arms. I shielded patch from the impact as much as I could but his spine got crushed under impact and I heard a *crack*. I froze for a second, looked down, and screamed... My baby boy had just died because someone decided to throw something at me... Someone was about to die.

       As I started to cry I looked behind me and saw Karushu running towards me. I got up carrying patch and started walking towards her. "WHAT FLEA!" She said as she reached out to grab me but saw the dead dog. Her face turned frozen as she looked at patch and then back at my icy glare. "What... Did... You just do...." I mumbled picking her up by throat. "My baby is dead because of you...." I started tightening my grip on her neck.

         "He was the only service dog I WOULD TAKE HE WAS THE ONLY ONE AND NOW HE'S DEAD! MY BABY'S DEAD!" I yelled as I beat her head on a wall. I dropped her kicked her and walked home with a dead service dog in my hands.

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