Darkened Love

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(Note- listen to Ghost on the Dancefloor by Blink-182 when reading)

Lilly's POV

making my way home from school I kick the little pebbles that cover the sidewalk. I usually get a rude home but today was just a windy kind chill day. I love days like this. it's quiet and peaceful. people don't tend to hang with me much cause I'm not what you would call normal I guess. Just because I don't like to party and get drunk. I like to stay in my room and read. I mostly read about like werewolves and monsters, that sort of thing. I don't know why but it fascinates me that someone or something like that could exist. I mean we all know it doesn't but hate doesn't hurt to dream right?

I made my way to my front steps after walking for about 15 minutes. I opened my front door to see my parents weren't home. they are never home. they stay late at work because they are always working on a case. my mom has this big case saying someone was was just walking and them the next minute he was just massacred all over sidewalk. I doubt someone out there could cause that much of a bloody scene. But then again their are serial killers and psychopaths.

I shut the door and walked up to my room setting my backpack on my little stand. going downstairs on looked for something in the fridge to eat. "Nope." I closed the fridge seeing if anything was in the coverd. "Ooo Doritos!" I grabbed the bag and ran to the living room plopping on the couch.

I flipped through the channels to see what was one. "boring." everything was little kid shoes or stupid teen shows. I know what your thinking. a girl your age should like that stuff. yes I am 17 but you know I will be an adult in a year so technically I don't have to watch these dumb shows. I mean Disney channel isn't even good anymore. I miss the suite life of Zach and Cody. those were good shows.

I kept clicking and still nothing appeared. "uggg!!!" I just left it on a Channel. i was about to get up when something caught my attention. "ALERT! this is not a drill! their has been a report of a slaughtering. a man by the name of John Rands was found about 20 minutes ago dead and massacred on his back porch. I report everyone stay in their houses and lock their doors. REPEAT THIS IS NOT A DRILL!!" I shut et tv off and locked the front door. I then ran to the back door and shut the screen. I was about to shut the glass door when I saw a figure laying in the woods rate behind my house. should I help them? I couldn't help but feel bad. I left the door half open and ran to the person that seemed dead.

I knelt down to see if they were breathing. I could feel a pulse. I gently laid them over and studied their features. it was a boy about my 19. he had a strong jawline with big plump lips and spiked hair that seemed to go flat from the water and mud from it raining so much the last couple days. He had scratches all over his face and every part of his body. but most Of them were scars. His clothes were torn and he didn't have any pants on just his boxers.

I tried picking the boy up and taking him into my house. it was pretty difficult since he weighed twice my weight. I put his arm over my neck am brought him into my house. I locked the glass door that way that killer can't get in.

Slowly I brought the boy to my couch and laid him down. the couch was by the fire. see my family have a big house since they are both lawyers.

I went upstairs and grabbed and extra pillow and blanket. I ran back down and walked over to the boy and covered him with the blanket and set the pillow under his head. I have to say he doesn't look to good. I just hope my parents don't get home and see I have a boy in our house.

I sat near the fire and watched him sleep. no I ain't no stalker. I just wanted to make sure he was ok until he woke up. I don't wanna sleep anyway with a random person in my house.

Sitting their watching him I started to sing quietly. "don't get too close, it's dark inside. it's where my Demons hide, it's where my Demons hide." I started to drift off myself but before I could I caught myself hearing a groan. I looked up to see it was the boy. He was slowly waking up. I walked over and sat next to him.

Slowly opening his eyes I began to feel a flutter of life inside me. he had beautiful caramel brown eyes. He finely spoke making me happy inside. "w-where am I?" I looked at him with ease. "my house."


So this is my first HORROR STORY!! it's kinda differnt but I promise you it's just as good!!! I dedicated this to my best buddy @kidrauhlscript she is the best!! PLEASE COMMENT AND VOTE IF YOU WANT ME TO UPDATE!!! and check out my other books as well!! 😘✌️

Darkened LoveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora