Hes still Human

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(Listen to Clarity ft. Foxes)

LIllys POV

"I want you to stay." I said again. I looked at his now pale face. he looks so broken. maybe I can help him? I mean I need someone and he needs someone he can trust. for some reason I feel as though I can already trust him.

I was gonna try to take him back down to the couch but he's too heavy. I'll just sit here till he wakes up. I stand up and walk over to my parents bed and grab a pillow and blanket. I slid the blanket onto him and then put the pillow under his head. "I hope your better when you wake up." I whispered and then scooted back so I was sitting against the wall. I slowly watched him. the more I watched the heavier my eyelids got. "no stay awake lilly." I tried talking to myself to stay awake but it didn't work. I slowly drifted of to nothing but silence.

My eyes slowly opened to a know unknown place. "what?" I looked round to see I was in my bed. "what the...how did I end up here?" I removed the covers and slid off my bed.

As I got up I saw justin laying on my floor wrapped in the blanket I had given him. "did he bring me here?" I sat down next to justin watching him sleep. even thought he's a monster I feel like he's still a human. he still has feelings like everyone else. everyone has feelings and people need to see that.

I heard a grunt making me look at justin cause he had to have made the noise. "W-where am i?" I ran to my parents room and grabbed another pair of my dad's sweat and a shirt. I ran back to my room handing them to justin. "your in my room. you feel asleep." his eyes widened. "n-no d-did I do anything?!" he looked nervous. "no you didn't so anything. why?" he sighed taking the clothes from me. "d-did you s-see me?" He always stutters. "yes." he looked now frightened and full of regret.

"I h-hurt you d-didn't i?" tears started to fall down his cheeks. "No you didnt." I sat closer to him giving him a hug. he wraps his arms around my waste. "im t-tired of h-hurting p-people...." he cried into my shoulder. "Shhh...justin it's ok." I rubbed his back. he pulled away. "yes it is my f-fault! I k-kill innocent p-people!!" I sighed grabbing his hands and rubbing them. "Justin everyone makes mistakes. but it's not your fault. you can't control it. your still a person and even though your half that you still know your innocent to the human eye." He didn't say anything but breathe heavily. "L-Lilly i.......its so h-hard! I wake up every morning with barely any memory and not knowing if I killed a innocent life. I hate what I am. why can't I just be done with it?" I looked justin in the eye and guess why I saw? I saw hurt and pain. he was so stressed about everything he is as does. "no justin you don't need to do that. I know you might be sad but you deserve a life just as much as anyone else. you have feelings too. maybe more than anyone of us."

He sighed letting go of my hands. "Lilly.......why are you being nice to me? I could have killed you." I smiled side I had a feeling I could make him feel better and give him something special. "because. you need someone but not just that, you need trust. I wanna help you with that. and you need a friend. someone that you can always look up to and come running to. I want to be that person justin. I care about you." he sat their in silence.

"Thank you l-lilly." he hugged me leaving goosebumps. I felt him mumble under his breathe, "mine." I don't think he knew I heard him but I have a feeling it's not a good thing.

We sat their hugging each other maybe 10 minutes? no joke. for being a beast he was so warm and comforting. "justin?" he didn't answer. "justin?" he moved his head a little so it was sideways I my shoulder. "hmm." he was sleeping. "are you tired?" I felt him nod. "well then why don't you sleep on my bed? your more than welcome too." he slowly pulled away. "oh n-no I could t-take your b-bed." I smiled. "no it's ok I insist!" her sighed and stood up. I copied him As Well. "um hear." I handed him the clothes. "oh yeah sorry." he put the sweats on them the shirt. but as he put the shirt on I looked once again at all the scars that he had been stuck with because of what he was. They weren't his fault, it was the beast inside that ruined everything it could within this boy.

I watched justin crawl into my bed after he had finished getting dressed. "T-thank y-you lilly." I smiled covering him up. "anything for you justin." I smiled as he returned one back. "I'll make us lunch while you sleep ok?" he nodded and dug his head under the sheets. I smiled and turned to walk downstairs. Once I reached the bottom I went to the kitchen to make lunch.

Justin doesn't like meat sometimes cause he's afraid it will change him so ill make a salad. sounds good anyway cause I need to eat something healthy. I grabbed all the ingredients and bowls that I needed.

I started to put all the food together and mix it up. "mmm." I didn't realize how hungry I was. I giggles and finished stirring the food. I put everything away and wrapped the salad up and put it away in the fridge till Justin woke up. I'm not eating. Without him. that's just rude.

I walked over to the coach and turned on the tv. Nothing was on, as usual. I yawned leaning my head back against the couch. I didn't realize that I only got a couple hours of sleep because of what happened last night. I laid down in the couch and pulled he blanket that was folded on the back against my cold skin. "ahhh. warm." I sighed in content and snuggled into the couch and blanket. I slowly fell asleep thinking about justin......the sweet and innocent part of him.


Sorry it's short!!! I'm just really tired! so your welcome! but I'm not updating anymore unless I some how gets at least 3 comments. thanks for the votes though!! I appreciate it! :) thanks and love ya guys!:)

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