Break Out

857 65 9

Lilly's POV

So ever sense the food epidemic from four days ago I can't help but think I ate sown thing bad. I've been vomiting since eight this morning. I'm starting to worry because even if it was the food I would have puked four times already. I don't know any other reasons as to why I'm doing this. the only thing that could be possible is if I was.......

At that moment I knew I had to check. I can't believe i didn't think of this before! I ran to my parents room and looked thorough my moms coverd. she's usually has extras In case so I knew I could count on her instead of asking jack to take me to the store. if I did that he would definitely tell my parents.

I searched and finally found one. I grabbed it and ran to my room locking the door. next I ran to the bathroom locking the door behind me. "ok Lilly this is just a test. there's no way it should be true. it's just to eliminate the possibilities." I tried convincing myself that was all it was, but I'm starting to feel like it's not.

I opened the box and read the instructions. I did what the box told me and sat the little stick on my counter. "it's gonna be negative just watch" I walked out of the bathroom and set the alarm. "calm down Lilly no need to worry." I paced my room until I heard a ding making me jump. "it's done." I went back into the bathroom and picked up the little stick.

I should have seen this coming I mean the explanation is in the title! mating season. I mean seriously how much dumber could I get. I threw the test away and walked out, going to my bed. "your 17 Lilly. Your a senior starting this fall and your pregnant." I sighed not knowing what else to do. Justin's not here and if my parents found out they would kick me out for sure. what do I do?

I laid on my bed and silently cried. running my hand down to my stomach and rubbed it. "n-no matter what I'll k-keep you. Your all I h-have now." I continued crying and just held my stomach, rolling myself in a ball.

I couldn't stop crying. I probably have been laying here for hours. I wanted to sleep but I couldn't stop thinking about what was gonna happen to me. "How am I gonna make appointments? I could just keep it all a secret, maybe?" I was about to try to sleep when I heard a deep howling. my mind instantly reacted making me sprint to my window.

See I could see the whole woods through my window. I mean of course the trees made it dark but I mean I could see till it was too dark.

I heard the familiar howling again. my heart started to beat faster. "j-justin?" I couldn't believe it. could he still be alive? he's the only creature in these woods I know of beside deer. I wanted to run and keep going until I found him but my window is locked. "wait!" I ran to my closet and looked for anything that was hard and big.

"C'mon!" I kept digging till I found my old soccer trophy from when I was in ninth grade. I ran back to the window and just stared at it. "this is gonna work." I just had to make sure jack didn't catch me.

I but myself in position like I was ready to swing a bat and looked for the most sensitive spot on the glass. this would be in the middle of course. I swung as hard as I could and saw that I left a crack. "just a couple more like that." I kept swinging until my arms about gave out. Next thing I know I feel a deep, sharp, stinging sensation run across my hand. "sh!t!!!" I dropped the trophy and held my hand. I broke the window, but also I gashed my hand. it was pretty bad. I hand blood running down my hand from the angle I was holding my hand. it was dripping into the floor. "Dang it" I ran to the bathroom but then I heard heavy footsteps. sh!t!! It's jack! I ran back to my window and poked out the extra pieces off glass. it was maybe a 20 foot droop. not too bad. I put my feet out first and held the railing with my good hand. it's kinda hard to hold on when one hand it bleeding to death and feels like some stabbed a knife through it.

"Lilly?" I could here jack speaking on the other side of my door. good thing I looked it. "yeah?" I started slowly trying to climb down. "You ok in there?" I probably only actually went down like two steps on the side of the house. "uh yeah perfect! I'm tired though so can you leave?" I quickly tried to hurry down. "um ok. just making sure. I heard a crash and you scream." gosh will he stop worrying? I mean it's sweet and all but still. "oh yeah I just uh...had a bad dream was all and fell out of bed. I'm good, but thanks!" I heard him sigh. maybe he left now. I finally reached the bottom and landed on my feet. "yes!" I turned toward the Gate and ran toward it. I fiddled with the lock till it was open. "Justin I'm coming!!" I ran off into the woods hoping that what I heard earlier was justin.


Well why ya think? will they find out see gone? what about her being pregnant? I know you guys easily figured it out but still. Is justin alive or was that something else? *smirks* well tell me what ya think!! sorry it's kinda bad. it's like really late here haha. but please comment and vote at least 10 or NO updates! I PROMISE I WILL IF YOU JUST DO THISE TEO SIMPLE THINGS! Well thanks you guys for the 5k reads!! and love ya!!😘

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