Food and Sleep

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Lilly's POV

We've only been in this house a couple days and justin hasn't gotten any better. I'm starting to really worry. I mean the worse he could get is a cold but I don't know. He hasn't moved at all and he's really pale.

Standing up I walked around the old house looking for anything useful to use. This place was actually pretty tidy for being so old. I mean there was dust everywhere of course but hey it still was kind of cute.

I searched the kitchen and then the bathroom. it was only a one story house so there wasn't much to explore. I kept scrambling through the coverds of the bathroom and happened to find some cough medicine and ibeprophen. "well I guess I could use this." I smiled and grabbed the stuff going back to the bedroom that Justin was in. I sat the stuff on the end table an say next to justin on the floor. the bed was pretty low, maybe for a five year old. "hey jay...." I rubbed his head gently just watching him sleep.

A few hours later I was just going through some cabinets when I heard a whimper. I knew it had to be justin cause what else would make that noise? I walked into the room and saw justin shaking like he was freezing. i rushed to his side and felt his forehead. "oh jay. your freezing." He looked at me only moving his eyes. "w-whats wrong with j-jay?" He frowned and grabbed my hand. I realized then I havnt seen Justin's body in the last couple days cause he's been wrapped in the blanket. "aww jay why didn't you tell me you were this cold? your As White as a ghost and I can see your bones through your skin." I frowned at the sight of it. "jay take the blanket off ok? only for a sec baby I promise." He looked at me hesitant but then Slowly removed it. I lifted up his sweats and sure enough he bone skinny like his hands. "oh jay....." I pulled them back down and lifted his shirt and hoodie. "jay......." i know staring is rude but I couldn't help it. he looked like someone starved him to death almost like a concentration camp. "Justin we need to get you food fast." he was sleeping already an I didn't know it. being cold tends to make the body sleep and rate now his freezing temperature was definitely to the trick. "Ok jay you sleep tight ok?" I kissed his forehead getting a whimper in return. "L-lilly......" I saw him open his eyes and nothing but darkness was in his eyes. they had no color at all. "h-hungry..." he tried to lift his head but he couldn't even manage that. he was so weak that it made me wanna cry. "baby I promise I'm gonna find you food ok? I'll do anything to get you food." I think it was because he hadn't changed though. because he usually feasts when he does. his beast is hungry.

I left the house going down the block to the grocery store. man I can't let anyone see me I know my parents are looking for me, so what I'm doing right now is so risky especially in this tiny town.

I looked around hiding my face with my hoodie. I have 5 dollars in my pocket. what on earth am I gonna get to fill justin? let alone me and this baby? I sighed and saw a little corner store. "bingo." I walked inside making sure to keep my face hidden. "Ok food. I can't get him candy bars that's gross." I kept looking around until I found those refrigerators with like sandwiches in them. jackpot! I grabbed two of them and a water bottle. I then went to the cashier making sure to still have my good close to my face. "4.87 hun." I have her the five. "keep the change." I grabbed the stuff and quickly made my way out the door. "safe for now." I walked quickly back to the old house without being seen.

"Jay....." I shut the door and removed my hood walking to the bedroom. "I got food baby! just like I promised!!" I quickly made my way to the bed. "ok jay I'm gonna sit you up alright baby?" he just looked at me not even moving. "alright then." I set the food down and then got on the bed listing him up so his back was to the wall so he was Sittin upright. I frowned seeing him wincing in pain. he had his little hood over his head and his hands were close to his side wrapped with the blanket i found. "Here jay." I grabbed one I the sandwhiches and opened it. "it's ham I know you like ham cause you like bacon!" I giggles and he didn't even make an expression. "c'mon jay please say something. your worrying me." I ripped a piece an sat next to him. he turned his head a little but not enough for you tell the difference. "here." I lifted to piece to his mouth and he opened it. I placed it in and he shut it hewing it up. "good?" I smiled. he lightly nodded and whimpered once again. "more huh?" he nodded lightly.

I fed justin more and more till eventually both of them were gone. I gave him the water as well. "L-lilly...." I looked at jay with a feeling of sleepy ness wanting to take over. "Yeah jay?" my eyes were trying to close but I couldn't sleep. not with justin looking and feeling this way. "Y-you need f-food to. and j-jr." I nodded. "yeah I know. I'm fine jay ok?" I laid my head back against the wall feeling my body start to relax. I slowly closed my eyes hearing justin say "n-night b-baby girl." before falling into a deep sleep.


Ok was that an ok chapter?! I'm sorry it sucked!! But what's happening to jay? is the food even helping? comment what ya think!!!

And OMG school starts in 1 day!! Noooooo!:( oh well but the picture describes wht justin looks like cause in the pic you can see his veins and stuff. thas like not healthy haha but yeah!! VOTE AND COMMENT OR NO UPDATE THANKS AND LOVE YA GUYS!

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