Update (Will do Q and A)

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Ok so, I haven't updated or been on here in like 3 years. I apologize for the really horrible writing, and my excessive bad grammar.  I don't think I'll ever update again because I just don't have big feelings for Justin anymore. He's an awesome kid! I just don't feel the same anymore. He's doing way better tho, and congrats to him and Hailey! If I do some how manage to get the inspiration, I will update this. So, it's not a discontinued book, but it's also not likely gonna be finished. I deeply apologize. This goes for all my other books as well. I really love and appreciate all the good reviews you guys gave me tho! It's really sweet and it makes me happy.

If you want I will do a Q and A. Just message me your questions and the next update I will answer them. I promise that one, I will update ASAP. But thank you so much! And I'm sorry!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2019 ⏰

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