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Lilly's POV

I was wandering through these woods for hours, and still no sign of justin. "Justin!!" Everytime I screamed his name I swear I felt myself become eager. I mean he could be anywhere in any kind of condition. he could be dead for all I know, but if that were the case, then why did I feel like that was his howl?

My feet were aching and I was cold. all I had was a pair of yoga pants and pullover sweater with some slippers. "JUSTIN!!!" I screamed one last time before my throat started to burn. "Crap! not now!" I threw up rate there barely missing my feet by an inch. "Really..." I didn't feel good, I was cold, and I couldn't find him. this was turning out to be a bad idea.

My feet stumbles along the now dead leaves that covered the ground. I started to hum one of my favorite songs. "Please Stay With Me.......cause your.... all I need." I really did love this song. it describes everything about how I feel when I think about justin. he was my everything and I was his, well at least I thought so. what will he think when he finds out I'm pregnant? will he be mad and leave me forever? he wouldn't do that would he? I mean he is kinda unstable to a point, but I mean it's his, so he would love it as much as I do. he has to, or else what's the point?

I carefully tried not to step on two many branches. who knows what else is out here. I kicked the dirt but stopped when I saw a figure in the distance. "jay?" I whispered. I thought it would be him but I should just caution myself incase

I walks closer taking baby steps along the way. the figure became clearer until I finally had a good picture of it.

I couldn't believe my eyes. I didn't realize I was crying. I ran over and held my hands out. I knew he would be ok. nothing could break him. I was only a few feet away but, next thing I know, I'm thrown to the ground. "what the...let me go!" I struggled under the pressure trying to get a grip on his hands. "stop it!!" he looked at me with this devilish smile. "aww now why would I do that?" I just looked at him feeling a sense of courage drain out of my body. he wasn't some man. he had guns strapped to his belt and knifes hanging from him like a necklace. "w-who are you?" He had a very deep voice. "why I'm what you would call a hunter my sweet lady." a hunter? like deer? or... no! "what do you want with me!?" he chuckled again making goosebumps rise up my arms. "nothing much. I just wanna know where your little buddy is." my buddy? no I'll never let this guy take justin from me. I finally found him and I tend to keep it that way. "I ain't telling you crap, you piece of sh!t!" he grabbed a knife from his neck and took it off. "well it would be a shame if anything happened to you. I mean little beasty out there wouldn't be too happy to see a certain someone dead now would he?" he had this tone to were you would think he is nice at first but then once you think about it, it becomes very timid and straight forward. "I'll never tell you. cause I don't know and even if I did, I wouldn't let you find him." he laughed again raising the knife to my throat. "pretty girl here doesn't want to cooperate now does she?" I was becoming very agitated by this man. "no I dont now let me go!!" He shook his head and then when I thought he got off me I felt pain in my side. "AHHHHH!!!!!" I yelled so loud that the whole neighborhood could have heard it. "You didn't want to listen so now the only way to get him here is through you." I felt like I was gonna pass out. this is becoming way too much. all I wanted to do was find justin.

He stabbed me again and again. each time was worse than the other. I screamed in fear and agony. "j-justin!!" I wrapped for him but he was never in sight. I could feel myself becoming cold and numb. "looks like he ain't gonna save you. I guess I'll just have to kill you and find him myself now won't i?" I couldn't help but think how could someone like this guy have no heart at all? he's worse than anyone, even justin. "j-jay...." my voice was raspy and quiet. tears were falling down my cheek so fast that you could have raced then. "sorry sweetheart, he gone....but tell ya what. I'll leave you here that way you can suffer. sounds good right?" He laughed and stood up wiping the knife on his coat and putting it back around his neck. "goodbye sweet heart. enjoy the trip." he started too walk away.

All I could move was my fingers. the rest off my body wouldn't respond. I knew it. I was gonna die, along with with my baby. "I-I love y-you baby....and I l-love you j-jay..." I started to sob uncontrollably. my life was over. or so I thought. I felt a slight touch on my cheek that was wet and sticky beside the tears that were there. I slightly moved my eyes to the right. I wanted to be happy but I don't think it was possible anymore because I slowly felt my body shutting down.


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