His Ruff Side

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Lilly's POV

Last night made all these feelings I never felt before enter my body. Justin's lips on mine was like heaven. I don't think anyone could make me happier than what justin has. he was so sweet and gentle. for being something so ruff and heartless. what am I saying? justin isn't heartless? it's the other side I him that is. justin wouldn't hurt a fly.

"L-lilly?" I didn't realize justin was talking. I was just thinking about yesterday. "l-lilly??" I felt my hand move. "oh uh what?" Justin was holding my hand rubbing his thumb over the too of it. "Are y-you ok?" I just smiled and nodded. "ok c-cause you were o-out of I-it" he chuckled making my stomach float like a butterfly on a windy day. "oh yeah sorry. I was just thinking." I looked down at my hands to see they were still attached with justins. "what a-about?" I smiled again feeling all happy and amazed at the same time. "us." I looked up to see justin staring at me with worry. "about how good the kiss was and how gently you are." his face softened and he played with my hands once more. I then looked at his face seeing all the little hints of a scar being left where it was suppose to be. Taking my hand from his I placed it on his cheek running my finger along the faded scar that once was a gash. "your r-really interested I-in my s-scars." I smiled feeling the bumps and smoothness of each one I came across. "yeah. their beautiful. I don't see why you want to hide them. they make you who you are. your brave and full of life." he places his hand over mine and took it down from his now red cheeks. "l-lilly....they arnt that great." I scrunched my face not wanting to believe what he says. "yes they are." He sighed letting go if my hand. the butterflies in my stomach left. "jay. it's ok. I'm here for you. I'm yours remember?" he didn't say or do anything which was starting to worry me. "jay? please answer me." he finally moved his head so he was looking at me straight on. "I remember." I gave a small smile In return and gave him a big hug from the side.

"Mine." justin wrapped his arms around my waist stuffing his face into the crook of my neck. "mmmm." I giggled at Justin's choice of noise. "and what seems to be so great that you had to say mmm?" he turns his head so his mouth is above my neck. "you s-smell good." his hot breath hit my cold neck causing me to get goosebumps. "oh. I see. so do you." he smiles and runs his hand up and down my arm. "y-you cold b-baby girl?" he just called me baby girl. that's so cute. "yeah kind. what about you?" he shakes his head. "n-no, but I c-can keep y-you warm." he took the blanket off the back of the couch and placed it around me and him. his body was pretty much hovering over mine. I was like the little kid in a giant chair except my chair was a warm justin.

"H-hey Lilly?" I turn my head to immediately be met with Justin's lips. lt shocked me at first but then I kissed back slowly. his lips were so soft and warm like melted chocolate. He locked my bottom lip for an entrance. of course I accepted. our tongues fought for dominance. he won of course. he then ran his hands down my arms laying me down on the couch. I wrapped my arms around his neck. he started to leave little kisses down my neck till he found a certain spot. I felt his warm teeth grab my skin. he started suck on my sweet spot. I moaned in pleasure as he continued sucking on every little spot he could get his lips on. every bit of it was pure joy.

After about 5 minutes I tried to push justin off but he didn't seem to want to stop. "Ok justin you can s-stop now" he still didn't listen to me. he just pushed my body tighter into his kissing down to my chest. "j-justin...." he took his shirt off revealing his toned stomach. dang. he was running his hands up and down my body. he stopped at my pants and started to pull them down. "j-justin! stop!!" He nipped at the skin on my neck. "mine." he mumbled while grinding on me. i couldn't take this anymore. I took all my strength and shoved him off. I jumped off the couch just standing there to see a heartbroken justin. "l-lilly. im s-soo s-sorry...." I was standing there with nothing but my t-shirt and underwear on. I saw his sad little face start to turn red and tears running down his cheek. "why would I do that? I can't hurt mate. she's too precious." He was holding his head in his hands talking to himself in third person. "J-justin?" he looked up at me with big tear stains running down his red cheeks. I walked over and sat next to him. "it's ok jay. I know you didn't mean it. you were just in the moment." he didn't say anything. he just held his head down in shame. I kisses his cheek and wrapped my arms around his muscular body. "I promise jay it's ok." I leaned my head on his shoulder for a pillow and surprisingly and leaned his head back on mine. "I'm s-sorry l-Lilly." I leaned up and kisses his forehead. "all is forgiven jay" he smiled small and laid me down on the couch. "d-do you wanna t-take a n-nap?" I smiled and leaned my head on his chest. "of course I do. with you that is." he smiled and kissed my cheek. "night baby g-girl." I giggles an buried my face into his wonderful smelling chest. "night jay."


Tada!! Sorry it took me so long!!! I was so busy and I went shopping!!

I havnt done that in forever! Haha but please got and comment a lot if you want an update cause not a lot of people are commenting and voting so please do!!!!

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