Beautiful Monster

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Lilly's POV

I heard my name faintly in my head. am I hearing things? I saw a huge figure laying next to me. I tried to adjust my eye sight but it was quite difficult.

The dark figure started to crawl toward me. I could feel myself starting to panic. what was it? was it going to hurt me? well actually it couldnt. I was hurt enough as it was, but it could then surely kill me. "D-don't h-hurt m-me...." I quietly spoke out.

It only seemed to get closer. it eventually was a breath away. literally I could fell it's rancid, smelling breath on my face. it was continuing to crawl on me. if it laid down it would surely kill me from the lack of breath which I'm already having problems with.

"L-Lilly.?" I heard the voice again in my head. it sounded so familiar. "J-jay?" I started to cry. "w-where are y-you? I-I c-can't b-breath" I listened once more hoping he would answer back. "r-rate on t-top of y-you baby g-girl." I looked down and tries to concentrate, which I gladly could for a couple minutes. "J-jay...y-your......h-him." I coughed out. I could feel my throat burning. oh no. I had too throw up. "j-jay m-mo....." I threw up and all over myself. I barely missed justin. "Ewww. I-I'm s-sorry." I sat my head down and started to cough again. I felt something rising but this time it wasn't vomit. Suddenly I coughed up blood. it started to run down the corner of my mouth and down my chin. "L-lilly! w-who d-did this t-to you???" he drug himself off of me an to my side. he started to lick the blood of my face. have I mentioned his tongue is huge? it's like the size of three people together. he is a monster after all.

"J-jay...i h-have more I-important things t-to t-tell you...." he stopped licking me and looked into my eyes. for once I could actually see hurt in them. I saw a little spark of brown. he was still there and he could keep himself from hurting me. he loved me so much that he made it do what he wanted instead of it taking over. "l-lilly....p-please d-don't g-go." I could hear the hurt and pain through my mind. he really loved me. but he was hurt as well, not just me. "I-I'm....u-uh...p-pregnant..." I started to cry again. he probably hates me now. he just stared at me. I waited for a response but I wasn't getting one.

"J-justin? D-do y-you h-hate me n-now?" I literally wanted to die now. I know I was anyway, but I wanted to this instant. "I-i k-know l-Lilly.." He licked my tears. "h-how?" he started to position himself so I was laying from his shoulder to the end of his belly. that's how big he was compared to me. he was huge.

"I-I c-can feel h-him." I couldn't tell if he was smiling on the inside or not at all. but I did notice his eyes starting to water. he could cry while he was like this? "j-jay what's w-wrong?" he nudged his neck so it wrapped around my head and his head was on my stomach. "I-I don't w-want h-him to end u-up like m-me...." I wanted to cry, which in fact I did. I hope he was like justin. justin is strong and brave and such a sweet guy. if anything I wouldn't want the baby to be any other way. "j-jay I hope h-he is. y-your s-such a s-sweet g-guy and s-strong...." I slowly slid my hand so it was on his head. he was so soft. it wasn't natted with blood like the rest of his body. "I-I l-love y...." I couldn't breath. the feeling in my ribs was starting to run everywhere. "l-lilly! n-no! please...." he started to whimper a lot. "b-baby!" he started to lick everywhere that was covered in blood. "I-I c-can f-fix this. h-hold on p-princess!" I could only hear his thoughts. everything else was draining from me. "w-we h-have a b-baby l-lilly! r-remember..." he was right I did. but I was still to weak to do anything about it.

All I could see was justin panicking and licking very were he could. his whimpers filled my ears. he was so beatiful. his dark brown fur and his yellowish-blue eyes. he was the nastiest creature anyone would ever see. he looked just like those nasty wolves people would draw. he wasn't no twilight wolf. he was more than that. he was was indeed a beast that everyone would fear. from vicious blood thirsty teeth to his scared, ripped, in proportioned body. but the funny thing is, he was beautiful to me. every last but of that boy was just pure beauty. the monster inside him never once made me wanna leave. I was here to stay. and so was he.

I slowly closed my eyes only hearing the last few words that entered my mind. "I-I l-love y-you!"


Was that ok? I hope so! I suck so bad! I'm sorry!! I really am. but thanks for still reading my book! I love you guys so much! please comment though! I love reading them and if I get to 500 votes I'll do something special!!! but anyways thanks!!! love you!<3

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