Chapter Fifty!

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Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday went by slowly. I talked to Harry but I still have not forgiven him. Perrie still is acting off, but Andrew and Spencer are good. When I got home my dad and mom were at work. I picked up the phone and dialed my moms cell and waited. Seconds later I heard her ringtone in the living room. I curiously went in the room and searched where the muffled sound was coming from. I soon realized it was under the couch cushions. She must have lost it and had to go to work with out it.

I pressed the end button on the house phone and took my moms phone to the kitchen. Before I could do anything else, the door bell rang. I jogged to the door yelling "coming". When the door was adjacent, I noticed Harry standing with his back to me.

"Hey." I said to him.

"Oh hey babe. Um You doing any thing right now?" He said with a cigarette between his fingers.

"No." I answered with an attitude. Then I walked up to him snatching the cigarette from him then dropping it to the floor and stomped on it with my shoe.

"Hey! Those are expensive." He complained.

"Then stop buying them, I thought you quit why are you still smoking?"

"It helps with the stress."

"Yea and it's going to kill you!"

"...I'll take my chances." I rolled my eyes.

"Just shut up and come in." I opened the door wider and let him in.

"Did you want to go somewhere or you want to stay in?"

"I think I want to get out of the house." I told him and he nodded.

"I'll be right back, I'm just going to use the restroom." I nodded at Harry grabbing some orange juice and sipped it. My moms phone went off and I couldn't help but roll my eyes. It will probably ring all day long.

'Gabriel Winchester' popped up and I wasn't sure what to do. The name didn't sound familiar but if it was important I should answer it. So I picked and said hello.

"Hi....who is this?" The man asked.

"um...Y-you called me. Who is this?" I asked nervously. Sorry I cant help I have social anxiety issues...

"I'm Gabriel. You are?"

"Jillian." It was awkwardly quiet and I didn't know what to say. By now Harry is walking back into the room with a puzzled looked. I shrugged and put up my pointer finger.

"Well. Who are you and how do you know my mom?" I asked as nicely as I can just in case its my moms friend or co-worker.

"You're mom? Oh you're her daughter?" He sounded shocked.

"Yes I am and again you are?" I said a bit more frustrated.

"I'm sorry I'm your mom's ...friend."

"Friend?" I asked looking up at Harry who was already staring intensely at me.

"Yeah. Um I should go."

"You want me to tell her you called?" I asked.

"No, no, it's okay. Have a nice day." He hung up before I could say goodbye back.

"That was weird." I said to Harry putting down my moms phone.

"who the hell was that?"

"His name is Gabriel and that's pretty much all I know. But you know what its nothing, he's just a friend. It's her phone so whatever." Harry agreed and ended up taking me to the park where he made cheesy jokes the whole time. The idiot that I am, I walked into the fence but I'm fine-Harry got a laugh out of it after I cursed out the inanimate object. I dragged Harry to the swings because I love them the most! Luckily for us the kids are on the slides and monkey bars and not playing around us. I love kids (a lot) but I just want it to be just Harry and I.

"Do you believe that everything is done for a reason?" I asked after a few minutes of silence.

"um...I don't think so. I think I believe you effect how something is going to go. It's not planned out, you know? What about you?"

" I think," I paused trying to think of how to put what I tying to say, into words. "I think everything is done for a reason, like I got lost for a reason, and that reason was to meet you. I think everything in our lives are there for a reason, whether its to meet someone, something, be somewhere I don't know."

"That makes sense. I just don't know what's the truth,and really who does? So I tend to go with just automatically shutting down the thought that, that could be true. I like facts, evidence." I nodded understanding. Harry was always so understanding, and accepting. He always let me say what I believe in without the drama crap along with it. He looks at situations from both point of views and understands; and I honestly love that about him and I bet others would too if they gave him a chance.

"Sometimes I like to believe something I know isn't true." I said.

"What do you mean?" He asked curiously.

"Like...for instance, I like to believe that the is another universe and you can only see it through the mirror. Like that's your other 'you' and they do exactly as you do so it stays your reflection. If you look in your room mirror, and really look at it, it can look like your exact opposite-if you are creative enough of course. I know it's not true but I like to pretend that it is. I don't know if that made sense?" I love how he knows how weird I am and still loves me, it boggles my mind.

"You know this is part of the many things I love about you. And by the way, like I said who knows...maybe it is true." He smirked and winked at me causing me to giggle and kick off my swing.


Please comment I love you guys!!! and vote? Mwah For the past 4 days I have been tarring my room apart and cleaning it and I'm so glad I did! lol have a lovely day, night afternoon? and if you want comment what you believe (what Jill and harry were just talking about -the everything happened for a reason and if you guys have any cool theory's like the mirror one) i'd love to hear it. stay Fab! P.S who else is OBSESSED with that new song 'all of me' by John Legend. I seriously can not with that song, I total cried the first time I heard it.

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