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I woke up at 7:00. My mom was luckily asleep. I went into the bathroom and looked at myself. I looked terrible. My eyes were puffy and there was a big red mark where my mother had hit me. I touched it. It hurt a lot. I went back to my room and decided to see if Aaron was up.

Me: hey Aaron. It's Ana. Are you up?

Aaron: yeah I'm up.

Me: do you mind meeting me at my house?

Aaron: yeah sure. Are you ok?

Me: not really.

Aaron: on my way.

I waited. I felt my phone buzz about five minutes later. Aaron was outside.

I walked outside very quietly.


"Hey. Are you ok?"

"Can I trust you?" I asked.

"Of course you can, Ana. I know we just met but you can tell me anything."

That made me feel really nice. Having someone to talk to.

"Ok we should sit."

We both say in the grass where my mom couldn't see if she woke up.

"So what do you need to talk about?"

"We'll my mom and I-"

"Wait, what happened to your face? It's all red and it's swollen."

Crap. He saw the mark. I wasn't planning in telling him.


"Ana, what happened?" Aaron said very concerned.

"You can't tell anybody!"

"I promise I won't."

"My mom and I got into a fight and she...she hit me."

"WHAT?!" He said while standing up.

"Ana, you have to tell someone."

"Please, Aaron, don't say anything. She was just upset."

"Ana," he said a little calmer," this is serious. Your mother hit you."

"Please. Don't tell." I said.

"Alright. But I it happens again you need to tell me. Got it?"

"Yes. I promise. As long as you promise not to tell."

"I promise."

I hope he kept his promises.

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