First day of school

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I woke up in so much pain. Crap. My first day if school. How was I gonna cover up the bruises on my face? I went to see if my mom was awake. I tip-toed to her room and I could hear her snoring. Good. I went into the bathroom to see what makeup she had. I needed concealer to cover my bruises. Eyeliner. Mascara. Aha! Concealer. I patted the concealer sponge all over my face until it look almost unnoticeable. Then, I went to my room to pick out my outfit. It had to look nice so I can make a good first impression. I picked out a pair of jean shorts with a black short sleeve shirt that said "royalty" on it and a bunch of designing on it. I went downstairs to get some breakfast. I had my favorite cereal, frosted flakes. It was about 6:45 and am going to walk to school because its only a few blocks away. I went and brushed my teeth and got my bookbag. As I walked out the door, Aaron ran over to me.

"Hey! Are you walking to school too?"

"Yup! I'm going to everyday."

"Great! We can walk together! So, are you nervous at all?"

"I'm pretty nervous. I don't know anybody." I said a little sad.

"Well, ya know me! And I'm sure you will make some new friends." Said Aaron very confidently.

"I hope so..." I said. It took us about 10 minutes to get to school and we were just talking the entire time. Aaron opened the door for me and we walked in. This school was two times the size of my old one!

"This place is huge! I'm going to get so lost!" I said very scared.

"Don't worry! I'll show you around." Said Aaron with a smile. He showed me to all of my classes and he was in my first 4 classes! Right before I went to lunch, I went to my locker to get my lunch bag. Right when I turned around, there were three girls standing in front of me. There was a short blonde haired girl, a tall brunette, and an average sized red head.

"Oh. Um hi." I said shyly to the girls.

"Well, well, well. Look what we have here, girls. A new girl." Said the brunette bitterly.

"Um yeah. I moved here a few days ago." I said.

"Look at her outfit!" Said the redhead totally ignoring my statement.

"She looks like she just came out if the hot topic!" Said the blonde with a laugh.

"Now, now, girls. Not everybody can be as fashionable and pretty as us." Said the brunette with a smirk.

"She just hit a new low in fashion!" Said the blonde and they all laughed.

I started to feel tears filling my eyes but I blinked hem away.

"Look at those legs! So fat and no thigh gap!" Said the redhead disgusted.

"And that face? Well, I think she would look better in a monster mask." Said the brunette. They all laughed bitterly. I could feel the tears filling my eyes but I couldn't blink them away this time. They started to fall down my face.

"Awe. Is the poor baby crying?" Said the blonde.

"She is! We've hurt the little baby's feelings, girls." Said the brunette with a fake frown on her face.

"Let me tell you something, little girl.," said the brunette, "we rule this school so don't try to even be cool. You obviously won't fit in and you will never be like us. Ever." Her voice was so bitter. It made me cry even more.

"Go and run to the bathroom to cry!" Said the redhead as I ran. She did a fake wave and I could hear them all laughing as I ran. I felt so ugly. So fat. So unwanted. I stayed in the bathroom till the end of the day and cried. About everything. I wish it would all just go away..

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