Helpless and alone

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My mother couldn't have just hit me again. It was an accident. That's what it was. An accident. She just got upset.

"Who the hell was that?!"

"Um it's just a f-friend." I said my voice a little shaky.

"A friend? Since when do friends kiss?!"

"Mom, we didn't kiss. We were just talking."

"Are you sure that's all you were doing? How can I be certain that u didn't sneak off with him somewhere and get pregnant?!" Said my mother screaming at me. I can't believe what she had just accused me of.

"Mom! why would you think I would sneak off and try to get pregnant?! I'm 15 mom! 15! I wouldn't try even if I was a little older!" I started to get mad.

"Well why shouldn't I think that? Look at you!"

"Look at me?! I think you are the one we should be looking at in this situation! After dad died, you still went out hooking up with guys in bars!" All of the sudden, pain hit my jaw and I fell to the ground. She had punched me in the jaw and now, she started to kick me in the stomach. I could feel blood trickling down the corner of my mouth and I felt like I was going to throw up. This was not an accident.


Then she left, leaving me on the living room floor. Pain swept my body. I started to bawl. Tears streamed down my face and nobody was there to care. I was left there. Helpless and alone.

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