True loves kiss

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The rest if the week was a blur. My mother had beat me a lot for anything and everything I did. I had bruises in my arms, my legs, my face, everywhere. I've been cutting a lot, too. Both of my wrists are full of scars already. It hurt yet made me feel free. The physical pain took away the emotional pain inside. I haven't talked it Aaron that much. I have wanted to but It's hard when I have bruises everywhere. I have to use concealer all over for school now so nobody suspects anything. Oh yeah and those three girls that made fun of me my first day? I know there names now. The blonde is Adele, the redhead is Lindsay, an the brunette is Taylor. They have bullied me all week so I've been crying in school and out. It's Saturday now and I really want to talk to Aaron. So I texted him.

Me: hey Aaron.

Aaron: hey.

Me: can we meet at my house and take a walk?

Aaron: sure. I'm on my way.

I went outside an waited for Aaron to come. My mom went out to the bar and who knows when she will be back. I saw Aaron as he came running over to me.

"Hey. Wanna walk?"

"Yeah. I really need to talk." I said as we started walking.

"What's wrong?" Aaron said eyes full of concern.

"There's a lot so I hope you can be out late."

"I can be out as late as I want."

"Okay. Remember on Monday how you asked if I was crying?"


"Well I was lying when I said no."

"Yeah I know you were." Aaron said with a smile.

"Right before lunch, Taylor, Lindsay, and Adele came to my locker. I had no idea who they were. But they started calling me fat and ugly and telling me I would never be as pretty or as fashionable as them. I ended up crying and they called me a baby. I ran to the bathroom and didn't come out until school was over because I was crying the entire time."

"You are not ugly or fat! Don't believe them! You are beautiful." Aaron said and he smiled. I started to blush.

"Thanks but they were right. I'm ugly and fat. I'll never be as beautiful as them..."

"Ana, they aren't beautiful. You are. They have ugly hearts but you have a heart if gold. That's all that matters." Aaron said. I could feel my face getting hot. It didn't last too long because it started to rain. Aaron and I started to run to the nearest pavilion. We found one about a block away and sat on the floor laughing. We were soaked! We kept laughing for a minute and then the laughing died off. He looked at me and intertwined our fingers. I felt my face getting hot again and I looked away. But, he turned my face toward his with his hand.

"Don't look away. It's cute when you blush." Aaron said with a smirk.

I blushed even more but didn't look away. I just stared into his deep blue eyes. Then, he cupped my face with his hand and started to lean in. I leaned in too. Out lips crashed together and I felt butterflies in my stomach. No, a freaking zoo was going through my stomach! We stopped to catch our breath and I smiled. Our lips crashed together again, moving in sync. He pulled away slowly, smiling. I smiled too.

"I've been wanting to do that since the first day I met you." Aaron said and chuckled.

"So have I." I said smiling like an idiot. He just laughed until he looked at face more closely. I saw fear and concern in his eyes.

"Ana, why are there bruises on your face?" Oh no. The rain washed the concealer off.

"Um. Um..." I couldn't think if anything to say.

"And all over your arms!" He took my arms and turned them over. Then, his eyes widened. I knew what he saw. He saw the scars from me cutting.

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