Telling aaron

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I pulled my arms away but he just pulled them back. I felt his finger run over the scars. He had a gentle touch.

"Ana, have you been cutting?" He asked.


"Please tell me." Aaron asked with sympathy.

"I have..."

"Why didn't you tell me or talk I me?" Asked Aaron. He sounded a little hurt.

"Because I didn't know what you would think of me." I said honestly.

"I could never think any less of you,Ana." Aaron said. It made me feel really good.

"Why have you been cutting?"

"Because of the girls and my mom..

"What about your mom?"

"She's been... Beating me..." I trailed off.

"Is that what all of these bruises are from on your arms and face?"


"You promised me that you would tell me." Aaron said.

"I know and I wish I had. I just didn't want you telling anybody because I don't want to leave. I don't want to be with my mother but I don't want to leave you." I said feeling bad.

"Do you have bruises anywhere else?" Aaron asked very seriously. I nodded.

"Please show me." I just sat there.

"Ana. Please." He asked once more. I hesitated but took off my shirt. Bruises filled my stomach and sides. I had scratches in my back from being pushed and thrown. Aaron moved his hand near my stomach but looked at me before he touched me as If asking for approval. I nodded. Then I felt his hand on my stomach and closed my eyes. It hurt even though he wasn't pushing hard because They were fresh bruises. He moved his hand across my stomach and my sides. I felt a tear escape my eye. Aaron looked up at me took his hand off of my stomach. He wiped away my tear and smiled showing me he cared. I smiled back.

"Ana, I know you don't want anybody to know about this because you don't want to be taken from your home but, these are really bad bruises and they could have causes something on the inside of your body. You need to get checked out."

"But, Aaron. If they find out what happened, I will get taken from my home. I don't want to leave you." I said. I thought about what would happen if I lost Aaron. I would be miserable. Even more than I am now.

"Maybe they will just take your mother away from you. Please let me take you to the hospital. You need to be checked out." I could hear the high concern in his voice. He was serious.

"Okay." I said. I trusted Aaron and I believe him that maybe they will just take away my mom. We walked to his house and we got in his car. Here we go. Confessing to more people.

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